60 inches is equivalent to 1.52 meters.
Exactly 120 inches which is 10 feet
6.5 inches
11 1/4 inches
About 5.1 inches.
13 centimeters are 5.1181102362 inches.
A 16cm x 13cm rectangle is approximately 6.3 inches x 5.1 inches.
To convert centimeters (cm) to inches (in), divide the cm number by 2.54. Therefore, 13 cm = 5.11811023622 inches.
There are many species, some tiny, some several inches across.
13 centimetres is a little more than 5 inches. 5.11 to be exact.
130mm to 13cm
13cm or 5.25 inches
13cm*13cm =169 square cm.
13cm = 130mm
A Piranha is a meat eating fish(like most fish). They grow to about 6 inches long (about 13cm).