India is:
9½ hours ahead of Atlantic Standard Time (Puerto Rico, USA)
10½ hours ahead of Eastern US Standard Time (9½ Daylight Saving Time)
11½ hours ahead of Central US Standard Time (10½ Daylight Saving Time)
12½ hours ahead of Mountain US Standard Time (11½ Daylight Saving Time)
13½ hours ahead of Pacific US Standard Time (12½ Daylight Saving Time)
14½ hours ahead of Alaska US Standard Time (13½ Daylight Saving Time)
15½ hours ahead of Hawaii/Guam/Aleutian Islands US Standard Time (14½ Aleutian Daylight Saving Time)
16½ Hours ahead of American Samoa
India (UTC+5:30) is always 2½ hours ahead of Moscow (UTC+3).
All of India (UTC+5:30) is 4½ hours ahead of England (UTC/UTC+1) from the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October and 5½ hours ahead the rest of the year.
Louisiana is 2 hours ahead of California.
It is two hours ahead.
South Africa is 8 hours ahead of Alberta.
India is 7-8 hours ahead of the United Kingdom. India doesn't observe daylight saving time [DST] when clocks are set one hour ahead. During DST India is only 7 hours ahead of the UK. The rest of the year India is 8 hours ahead.
India is 10.5 to 12.5 hours ahead of Texas.
10.5 hours
6 hours
5 hours
well to fly from India to America is 13 hours
India (UTC+5:30) is always 2½ hours ahead of Moscow (UTC+3).
14 n half
Australia is ahead of India by anywhere from 2 and a half to 5 hours, depending on where in Australia you go to.
India is 9.5 hours ahead of the east coast of the U.S. during an average of 65.08% of the year.
11am as the UK is 5 hours ahead of EST