Seattle, Washington is 8-10 hours behind Windhoek, Namibia. Both places are on daylight saving time [DST]. But their start/end dates don't coincide. When they're both on DST, Seattle is 9 hours behind Windhoek. When Seattle is on DST but Namibia is off, Seattle is only 8 hours behind. When Namibia is on DST but Seattle isn't, Seattle is 10 hours behind.
Texas is usually 7 hours behind Nigeria. Most of Texas is in the Central Time Zone. A very small part of the west Texas is in the Mountain Time Zone. That small part is usually 8 hours behind Nigeria.But Nigeria doesn't observe daylight saving time [DST] when the clock is set one hour ahead. During DST most of Texas is only 6 hours behind Nigeria. The part in the Mountain Time Zone is only 7 hours behind at that time.
Nevada is usually 11 hours behind Baghdad. Most of Nevada is in the Pacific Time Zone. But the two towns of West Wendover near Utah and Jackpot near Idaho are in the Mountain Time Zone. Those two towns are usually 10 hours behind Baghdad.But Iraq doesn't observe daylight saving time [DST] when the clock is set one hour ahead. During DST, most of Nevada is only 10 hours behind Baghdad. West Wendover and Jackpot are only 9 hours behind Baghdad then.
Honolulu is on the Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone. This time zone is three hours behind Pacific Standard Time (the west coast of the United States).
Oregon is 8 hours behind GMT. However, both the UK and the US observe Daylight Savings Time, and start and end DST at different times. So there are short periods during the year when both the US and UK are observing DST at slightly different times. In general, however, when both are either on or off DST, Oregon would be 8 hours behind London, so if it's 1:00PM in London, it would be 5:00AM in Oregon.
During summers, when DST is off, Latvia is 3 hours behind. In winters, when DST is on, Latvia is 2 hours behind
Central Time - USA + Canada Central Standard Time (CST) = GMT-6 Central Daylight Time (CDT) = GMT-5 Central Standard Time (CST) is the Central Time Zone of the United States of America (USA). Central Standard Time (CST) is 6 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-6). In most states in the USA and in most provinces in Canada, Daylight-Saving Time (DST) is observed. During DST CT (or CDT) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5). After the Summer months Central Time is shifted back by 1 hour to US Central Standard Time (CST) or (GMT-6).
Windhoek, Namibia is 9,613 miles [15,470 kilometers; 8,353 nautical miles] from Seattle. It takes about 20 hoursto fly from Seattle to Winhoek. Seattle is 8-10 hours behind Windoek.Both cities are on daylight saving time [DST]. But their start/end dates don't coincide. When they're both on DST, Seattle is 9 hours behind Windhoek. When Seattle is on DST but Namibia is off, Seattle is only 8 hours behind. When Namibia is on DST but Seattle isn't, Seattle is 10 hours behind.
Seattle, Washington is 8-10 hours behind Windhoek, Namibia. Both places are on daylight saving time [DST]. But their start/end dates don't coincide. When they're both on DST, Seattle is 9 hours behind Windhoek. When Seattle is on DST but Namibia is off, Seattle is only 8 hours behind. When Namibia is on DST but Seattle isn't, Seattle is 10 hours behind.
Atlanta, Georgia is usually 14 hours behind South Korea. Although South Korea recently hasn't observed daylight saving time[DST] when the clock is set one hour ahead, the South Korean government might reintroduce DST as early as May 2010. When most of the United States of America observes DST in March 2010, Atlanta will be only 13 hours behind South Korea. When South Korea introduces DST, then Atlanta will once again be 14 hours behind.
Atlanta, Georgia is usually 14 hours behind South Korea. Although South Korea recently hasn't observed daylight saving time[DST] when the clock is set one hour ahead, the South Korean government might reintroduce DST as early as May 2010. When most of the United States of America observes DST in March 2010, Atlanta will be only 13 hours behind South Korea. When South Korea introduces DST, then Atlanta will once again be 14 hours behind.
Nevada is anywhere from 2 to 4 hours behind Aruba. West Wendover [near Utah] and Jackpot [near Idaho] are the only two towns in Nevada in the Mountain Time Zone. The rest of Nevada is in the Pacific Time Zone.Aruba doesn't observe daylight saving time [DST] when clocks are set one hour ahead spring to fall. During DST, West Wendover and Jackpot are only 2 hours behind Aruba. The rest of the year these two towns are 3 hours behind Aruba.During DST the rest of the Nevada is only 3 hours behind Aruba. The rest of the year most of Nevada is 4 hours behind Aruba.
Seoul, South Korea is 7,123 miles [11,463 kilometrs; 6,190 nautical miles] from Atlanta, Georgia. It takes about 15 hours to fly from Atlanta to Seoul.Atlanta is usually 14 hours behind Seoul. Although South Korea recently hasn't observed daylight saving time[DST] when the clock is set one hour ahead, the South Korean government might reintroduce DST as early as May 2010. When most of the United States of America observes DST in March 2010, Atlanta will be only 13 hours behind Seoul. When South Korea introduces DST, then Atlanta will once again be 14 hours behind.
Pittsburgh is in the Eastern Time Zone, Hawai'i has its own time zone. Hawai'i does not change times like most other US states, so in the winter during DST, Hawai'i is 5 hours behind the East Coast. In the summer, Hawai'i is 6 hours behind the East Coast Time zone.
It takes around 4 hours to fly to Aruba's capital city at Oranjestad from Nashville, Tennessee. They aren't in the same time zone. Additionally, Aruba doesn't observe daylight saving time [DST].Nashville is one hour behind Aruba during DST and two hours behind the rest of the year.
Today, March 29, 2008, time difference between Poland & Chicago USA is 6 hours, but that will change on Sunday morning at 0100 Polish time when Poland switches to daylight savings time (DST) . The USA is already on DST. The normal time difference when Poland & Chicago are both on DST, or both are on winter time, is 7 hours.
Algiers, Algeria is 5,727 miles [9,216 kilometers; 4,976 nautical miles] from Seattle, Washington. It takes about 12 hours to fly from Seattle to Algiers. Seattle is 8-9 hours behind Algiers.Unlike Seattle, Algeria doesn't observe daylight saving time [DST] when clocks are set one hour ahead. During DST Seattle is only 8 hours behind Algiers. The rest of the year Seattle is 9 hours behind.