The driving distance between Amarillo, TX and Cincinnati, OH is approximately 1120 miles. The driving time would be approximately 18 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The approximate driving time from Ohio to Amarillo is around 18-20 hours, depending on the specific starting location in Ohio and the route taken. Flying would significantly reduce the travel time to around 3-4 hours, depending on layovers and connections.
San Diego, CA is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT) and Amarillo, TX is in the Central Time Zone (CT). The time difference between these two locations is 2 hours, with Amarillo being ahead of San Diego.
12 hours ahead depending upon daylight savings time.
Ohio is 17 hours behind Fiji. For example, if it is 12:00 PM in Ohio, it would be 5:00 AM the next day in Fiji.
Ohio is on Eastern Time. China is +12 hours from Eastern Daylight Time, +13 hours from Eastern Standard Time. So, if you are on daylight time in Ohio, and it is 6pm on Tuesday in Ohio, it is 6am on Wednesday morning in China. ALL of China is on a single time zone.
Amarillo, Texas has a latitude of 35.2211° N and a longitude of 101.8308° W.
12 hours
22 hours
The distance from Amarillo to Dallas is 375 miles. It would take about 5.5 hours driving at a speed of 70 mph.
The duration of El Amarillo is 1.5 hours.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 8 hours and 26 minutes.
14 and 1/2 to 15 hours
3 hours using I-75
From Amarillo to Las Vegas 13 hours 30 Mins
970 miles
It is 364 miles according to Google Maps.