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A zoo keeper generally has a set schedule of around 40 to 50 hours a week. Sometimes they work overtime when there is an emergency.

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1mo ago

Zoo keepers typically work 40 hours a week, which can sometimes include weekends and holidays depending on the needs of the animals and the zoo. In some cases, zoo keepers may work additional hours for special events or emergencies.

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How many hours constitutes part time work in England?

Part-time work in England is generally considered to be anything that is less than the standard full-time working hours, which is typically around 35-40 hours per week. This could vary depending on the industry and employer, but part-time work could range from a few hours per week to around 30 hours per week.

How many hours do scientists do work?

An average forensic scientist works a 5-day and 40 hour a week.

What are the working hours for biochemists?

It depends on where they work. In the USA for example, working in Industry is pretty much 9-5 (with additional hours from time to time); in academia is can be 9-5 or any other hours as dictated by teaching assignments, etc., and grant writing will add significant hours to the week. Also, working in government can be 9-5 with additional hours from time to time. In summary, it depends on the demands placed on you, if you have a BS., MS or PhD and many other factors. Some I know work 40 hours a week, and others work 80 hours a week.

How many hours do spine surgeons work?

Spine surgeons typically work full-time hours, which can range from 50 to 60 hours per week. This includes time spent in surgeries, consultations with patients, follow-up appointments, and administrative tasks. Additionally, they may be on call for emergencies, which can involve working evenings and weekends.

How many hours do astronomers work a day?

Oceanographers will work however many hours they decide is right for them. Typically an oceanographer will work about 12 hours in a day.