2 hours 2 hours during daylight savings time after november, 3 hours when the clocks move back in march
Virginia is one hour ahead of Texas. When it is 12:00 pm in Texas, it is 1:00 pm in Virginia.
The State of Washington is almost always 1 hour ahead of most of Alaska and 2 hours ahead of the Aleutian Islands west of 165° west longitude.
Louisiana is 2 hours ahead of California.
It is two hours ahead.
Virginia is 4 hours ahead of Alaska
Virginia is two hours ahead of Colorado but its 1,469 miles between them
2 hours 2 hours during daylight savings time after november, 3 hours when the clocks move back in march
Virginia is one hour ahead of Texas. When it is 12:00 pm in Texas, it is 1:00 pm in Virginia.
The State of Washington is almost always 1 hour ahead of most of Alaska and 2 hours ahead of the Aleutian Islands west of 165° west longitude.
How many hours does it take to travel from new Orleans to Memphis Tennessee by car
13 hours ahead
3 hours ahead
About 6 hours
How many hours ahead of England is Jamaica
6 hours ahead.
Four hours ahead.