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The formula N2O5 shows that there are 2/5 as many nitrogen atoms as oxygen atoms in the compound. Therefore, the number of nitrogen atoms required is (2/5)(7.05 X 1022) or 2.82 X 1022 atoms. The gram Atomic Mass of nitrogen is 14.0067 and, by definition, consists of Avogadro's Number of atoms. Therefore, the mass of nitrogen required to react with the specified amount of oxygen to produce the specified compound is 14.0067 [(2.82 X 1022)/(6.022 X 1023] or 0.656 grams of nitrogen, to the justified number of significant digits.

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3mo ago

To find the number of grams of N combining with 7.05x10^22 O atoms in N2O5, first calculate the molar quantity of the O atoms (divide by Avogadro's number). N2O5 contains 2 N atoms for every 5 O atoms. Knowing the molar mass of O and N, you can determine the mass of N combining with the given O atoms.

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Q: How many grams of N combine with 7.05x1022 O atoms in N2O5?
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N2O5 has 2 nitrogen atoms, 5 oxygen atoms, and 2 elements - nitrogen and oxygen.

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The ratio of nitrogen to oxygen atoms in N2O5 is 2:5, while the ratio in NO2 is 1:2. This means that there are twice as many nitrogen atoms per oxygen atom in N2O5 compared to NO2.

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The binary compound in N2O5 is dinitrogen pentoxide. It is composed of two nitrogen atoms and five oxygen atoms.

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The molar mass of dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) is approximately 108.01 grams per mole.

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N2O5 is a covalent compound. It consists of nonmetal atoms (N and O) which typically form covalent bonds by sharing electrons.

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N2O5 is a molecular compound because it is composed of non-metals, which form covalent bonds when chemically combined.

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