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Four gamete types can be formed from the diploid individual TtPp. This is because during meiosis, the two parent alleles for each gene (Tt and Pp) will segregate into separate gametes, resulting in four possible combinations of alleles (TP, Tp, tP, tp).

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Q: How many gamete types can be formed from the following diploid individual TtPp?
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How many chromosomes would be present in a zebra gamete after meiosis the zebra has 50 chromosomes in its diploid cells?

A zebra gamete would have 25 chromosomes after meiosis, as the chromosome number is halved during this process.

Is an ovum an diploid gamete or haploid gamete?

An ovum is a haploid gamete. It contains one set of chromosomes (23 in humans) and is produced through meiosis from a diploid cell. When the ovum fertilizes with a sperm cell, it forms a diploid zygote with a full set of chromosomes.

How can nondisjunction in meiosis result in a diploid gamete?

Nondisjunction in meiosis occurs when chromosomes fail to separate properly, leading to an incorrect distribution of chromosomes in the resulting gametes. If a nondisjunction event happens in meiosis I or meiosis II, it can result in a gamete with an extra set of chromosomes (diploid), rather than the normal haploid number.

Is an egg cell diploid or haploid?

As a gamete, it's haploid.

How many alleles does a gamete have for each trait and is it a haploid or diploid?

A gamete carries one allele for each trait, making it haploid. Since gametes are sex cells that fuse during fertilization to form a zygote, which is diploid, they contain half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells.

Diploid means what?

Diploid: adj. 1 Double or twofold. 2 Having a homologous pair of chromosomes for each characteristic except sex, the total number of chromosomes being twice that of a gamete.-n 1. a diploid cell. 2. An individual characterized by a diploid chromosome number.It has two copies of each chromosome.

What does fertilization accomplish in a sexually reproducing organism?

Fertilization is an important step in Sexual reproduction. The fertilization of male gamete i.e. sperm and female gamete i.e ova or egg results in the formation of a Zygote the first cell. The zygote is a diploid cell. (so a diploid cell is formed as a result of fusion on haploid cell so no. of chromosome remain constant in each generation). The zygote undergoes further development and forms embryo which after successive division and differentiation form a fully functional individual.

What is the process by which gametes are formed from diploid nuclei?

Meiosis creates four haploid cells, or gametes, from one diploid cell. Each gamete contains half of the chromosomes theorganismusually has. Gametogenesis creates mature gametes, being able to reproduce.

How does a zygote relate to meiosis?

A zygote is formed through the fusion of two gametes (sperm and egg) during fertilization. Meiosis, on the other hand, is the process that produces gametes through cell division. The zygote contains a full set of chromosomes, half from each parent, which are the result of meiosis in the parents.

Certain type of diploid cell contains 58 chromosomes How many chromosomes would you expect a gamete of this organism to contain?

A gamete would be haploid, containing half the number of chromosomes compared to a diploid cell. Therefore, a gamete of this organism would be expected to contain 29 chromosomes.

What kind of Cell results when a diploid and a haploid gamete fuse during fertilization?

A resulting cell with an intermediate number of chromosomes, known as a triploid cell, is formed when a diploid and haploid gamete fuse during fertilization. This abnormal chromosome number can lead to developmental issues or be non-viable.

Know whether or not gametes have homologous chromosomes?

Gametes are said to have homologous chromosomes, if they have same genes arranged in same order. During gamete formation meiosis precedes, therefore, individual gamete does not have its homologous counterpart. After fertilization, in diploid nucleus, homologous chromosomes are restored.