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It depns how many steps or walk if you walk alot about 100000000 if you don't walk alot about 1000

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2w ago

On average, a person takes about 7,500 to 10,000 steps per day. Multiplying this by 365 days in a year, you would take approximately 2.7 to 3.7 million steps in a year.

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Q: How many foot steps do you take in a year altogether?
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The average number of steps is 2,640. This is based on individuals that have a constant two foot stride. If you stride is longer, the # of steps will decrease a little. If your stride is shorter, the number of steps will increase a little. But, 2,640 is a good average baseline and will get you pretty darn close. Cheers! ADDED: --> Also: If you measyre out a distance of ten yards on the ground, walk it and have someone count the number of steps it takes you. Now, multiply your number of steps by 176. That'll tell you how many steps it will take you to complete a mile. (there are 176 10 yard increments in a mile)

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