You might want to specify which food is coming from Kenya, but food generally coming from Kenya is approximately 4237 Miles (6817 Km).
This calculation is merely an estimate and does not take into account many different factors. These include the food miles contained within a particular product. For example if you entered something like Oranges, the value above does not include the distance travelled from point of harvest to packaging.
The other factors to consider are getting the product to you. The above calculation only gives a rough estimate of the distance travelled to get the item into the destination. It does not take into account getting the item into your house and onto your plate.
The approximate distance between Kenya and England is 4,400 miles. However, the concept of food miles also considers the mode of transportation, which can vary and impact the total distance traveled by food products before reaching their destination.
Nairobi, Kenya is approximately 273 square miles in size.
The distance between Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and Nairobi, Kenya, is approximately 3,300 miles.
Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, covers an area of approximately 280 square miles.
Nairobi, Kenya is located in East Africa, approximately 1,700 miles south of Cairo, Egypt and 270 miles west of Mombasa, Kenya. It is situated at a higher elevation compared to many other parts of Kenya.
how many days of sunshine does Kenya have
4,232.81 Miles (6,812.02 Kilometres
4234 air miles (6814 kilometers).
496 Miles.
about 4000 miles
121 miles
From where?
It is 2,800 miles from Cape Town, South Africa to Nairobi, Kenya. I think
The flight distance from Ghana to Kenya is: 2,798 miles / 4,503 km
The air distance from Boston, Massachusetts, to Mombasa, Kenya, is 7,464 miles. That equals 12,011 kilometers or 6,486 nautical miles.
Nairobi, Kenya is approximately 273 square miles in size.
loads they play sports similar to England