

How many elements make sand?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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9y ago

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The preponderance of the elements in sand are silicon or oxygen, with twice as many oxygen atoms as silicon atoms. In naturally occurring sand, some impurities with additional elements as iron are usually present in small amounts.

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9y ago

Sand is not a unique compound; sand can be a powder of silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate, lava, other rocks, shells etc. Sand contain also organic and other impurities.
Sand from SiO2 contain silicon and oxygen.

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It depends upon the source of the sand. Mostly sand is Silicon and Oxygen, but it could contain iron and other metallic elements.

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The two elements that make up the majority of Earth's sand are silicon and oxygen, found in the form of silicon dioxide or quartz.

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Glass is made from sand, soda ash, and limestone, which are melted together to create a transparent material. Concrete is made from cement (a mixture of limestone, clay, and other minerals), water, and aggregates such as sand and gravel, which form a solid, durable material when mixed together.

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Is the moon made out of sand?

Not exactly, although the silicate materials on the lunar surface contain many of the same elements as sand. The lunar dust is more finely powdered than "sand", but we should be able to use lunar dust and rocks and make something like glass out of it, much as we do here with sand,

Is sand a metalloid?

No, sand is not a metalloid. Sand is primarily made up of silicon dioxide (SiO2), which is a compound composed of silicon and oxygen. Metalloids are elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals, such as silicon.

What elements present in sand?

silicon and oxygen

What is sand made of elements?

silicon and oxygen

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