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ZnCO3 Zinc,Carbon and Oxygen

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Q: How many elements are there in zinc carbonate?
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How many elements are combined together in zinc carbonate?

Zinc carbonate is a chemical compound composed of one zinc, one carbon, and three oxygen atoms. Therefore, a total of five elements are combined together in zinc carbonate.

How many elements are there in carbonate?

ZnCO3 Zinc,Carbon and Oxygen

What elements are in zink carbonate?

Zinc, carbon, and oxygen.

How much zinc in the zinc carbonate?


What is the scientific name for zinc carbonate?

Zinc carbonate is a scientific name.

What is the best way of making zinc carbonate?

One way to make zinc carbonate is by reacting a soluble zinc salt (such as zinc sulfate or zinc chloride) with a carbonate salt (such as sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate) in a solution. The zinc carbonate will precipitate out of the solution as a solid, which can then be filtered and dried.

What is the word equation for zinc carbonate?

The word equation for zinc carbonate is: Zinc carbonate → Zinc oxide + Carbon dioxide.

What is the symbol equation for zinc carbonate?

The symbol equation for zinc carbonate is: ZnCO3 --> ZnO + CO2

How many elements are found in carbonate?

The formula for carbonate is CO3. This means there are 2 elements in carbonate; oxygen and carbon.

How many different elements are there in Zinc hydroxide?

Zinc hydroxide contains two elements: zinc and oxygen.

How many elements are in Zinc sulfide?

Zinc sulfide has two elements: zinc (Zn) and sulfur (S).

What is the chemical reaction when Zinc carbonate is split into Zinc oxide Carbon dioxide?

In chemixcal equations different elements have different symbols.Elements combine to form compunds.the chemical reaction when Zinc carbonate is split into Zinc oxide Carbon dioxide is represented as :Zn co 3 + heat = ZnO + co 2.