686.98 Earth days or 1.88 Earth years.
Mars period of revolution around the sun, its orbit, is 686.971 Earth days long, or 1.88 Earth years.
The planet that has a revolution period twice that of Earth is Mars. It takes Mars approximately 687 Earth days (or about 1.88 Earth years) to complete one orbit around the Sun.
It travels about 1,432,183,600 km to complete one revolution.
One year on Mars is equivalent to about 687 Earth days.
365 days
The period of revolution of Mars is 687 Earth days.
687 earth days
Mars completes a revolution around the sun every 687 Earth days. That's about 669 Martian days.
The length of a single revolution around the Sun for Mars is about 686.98 Earth days.
There is currently no revolution happening on Mars. Mars orbits the Sun in about 687 Earth days, which is considered a revolution. Additionally, there are no ongoing political revolutions on Mars, as there are no human inhabitants on the planet.
687 earth days is one mars year, =)
686.98 Earth days or 1.88 Earth years.
Mars period of revolution around the sun, its orbit, is 686.971 Earth days long, or 1.88 Earth years.
about 688 earth-days
About 687 Earth days.
The planet that has a revolution period twice that of Earth is Mars. It takes Mars approximately 687 Earth days (or about 1.88 Earth years) to complete one orbit around the Sun.