

Best Answer

That's exactly the same as asking "How many different lengths are there

on a piece of rope ?"

There's no limit to the possible number of different latitudes. If you name

two different latitudes, then no matter how close together they are, I can

always name a new one that's in between yours.

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13y ago
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8mo ago

On a globe, there are 180 degrees of latitude from the Equator to each of the poles in the northern and southern hemispheres.

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15y ago

If any sphere doesn't have 360 degrees on it,
then either some parts of it got left out, or else
something went wrong with the marking system.

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10y ago

The total number of degrees of arc of longitude on the globe is:

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Q: How many degrees of arc of latitude on a globe?
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How many minutes are in .5 of latitude or longitude?

1 degree = 60 arc minutes so 0.5 degrees of latitude or longitude is 30 arc minutes.

How many degrees of longitude of arc on the globe?

All the way around anything that's measured in angles is typically 360 degrees, and the earth is no exception.

The number of degrees of arc that Polaris is above the horizon depends on what?

Your latitude!

Are the lines of latitude measured in inches degrees or hours?

Degrees, Minutes and Seconds of arc. Same as longitude.

Are all lines of latitude circles of 180?

All points on Earth at any single latitude blend together to form a line thatcompletely encircles the globe. If you intend to do any measurements with it,then it'll help to recall that any complete circle subtends 360 degrees of arc.

How many Degrees is 1 arc of the circle?

That will depend on the length of the arc but an arc radian of a circle is about 57.3 degrees

Which ways do lines of latitude run and what do they measure?

Lines of latitude run laterally across the earth from east to west. They measure the degrees of arc north and south of the equator which is at 0 degrees. Washington, DC, lies about 38 degrees North.

How many miles are in a degree a minute and a second?

A degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles, and a minute of latitude ... At a latitude of 45 degrees, a degree of longitude is approximately 49 miles. Minute of arc at equator = 1naut.mile = 6080 feet1 second of arc at equator = 101 1/3 feet.At latitude 'w', the above quantities have a multiplying factorcos w.(101.3333) cos w feet per second of longitudeAt a latitude of 60 degrees (=w)1minute=3040'1second=50 2/3 '

How many arc degrees are there in semicircle?

180x2= 360 degrees

How many arc minutes are there in 0.75 arc degrees?

Just "degree", not "arc degree". A degree has 60 minutes; therefore, to convert from degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60.

What is the definition for latitude?

Latitude is a measure of how far north or south a location is from the equator, expressed in degrees. It ranges from 0 degrees at the equator to 90 degrees at the poles. It helps in determining the position of a place on the Earth's surface in relation to the equator.

How many degrees are in one arc second?

One arc second is one 3600th of a degree.