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3w ago

Shanghai, China is approximately 121 degrees east of the Prime Meridian, which is the internationally recognized marker of 0 degrees longitude.

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No. It's 20 degrees farther east, i.e. farther from the Prime Meridian.

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The distance in degrees from the prime meridian to 90 degrees East is 90 degrees. This means that 90 degrees East is located directly on the opposite side of the Earth from the prime meridian, which is at 0 degrees.

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It is fifteen degrees East. (15 degrees East of the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian being zero longitude).

Is the prime meridian east or west?

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Is France east or west of the Prime Meridian?

The Prime Meridian is east of France. The Prime Meridian is located in Greenwich, England. This is the location on earth where the longitude coordinate is 0 degrees.

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A location at 30 degrees south and 45 degrees east is in the southern and eastern hemispheres, and it is east of the prime meridian.