About On average, a year is 365.241 days. See below. Based on this, 1000000 days is about 2737.918 years.
Here's how I came up with 365.241 days, rather than 365.25, which would be if you added an extra leap day for every 4 years (365 + 365 + 365 + 366)/4 = 365.25 days.
Every century year (years that end in 00 like 1900 & 2100 do not have a leap day, so we subtract 1 day for every 100 years, so a 'normal' century will have 36524 days rather than 36525 days. But every millennium year (years ending in 000 like 2000, 3000, etc) will have the leap day, so 1000 years is 365240 + 1 = 365241 days. If you used 365.25, you'd only be off by less than 0.0025 percent, so for all practical purposes, a year could be considered to have 365.25 days on average. But if you're around in the year 2100, it won't be a leap year.
There are 86,400 seconds in one day so Amount of days times 86400 and you have got your answer
1-1.8 million years ago was approximately 0.2-0.8 million years ago.
40 million kilometers = 4.22809364 × 10-6 light years.
If by Myr you mean megayear then "mega" is the SI prefix that represents a factor of one million. Therefore a megayear is one million years.
20 years is equal to 7300 days. This is calculated by multiplying 20 years by the number of days in a year (365 days).
1 million days = 2,737.9 years.
1 million days = about 2,737.9 years.
60 million days = 164,274.6 years.
1000000 days is equivalent to approximately 2740 years.
Calculating from a base of 365.25 days a year, 2,737.85 years equal one million days.
1,000,000 days are 2737.85 years
A million weeks is 7 million days, /365.25 is 19164.96 years.
Just divide the million days by the number of days in a year - for example, by 365.2422.
Including leap years: 24,115,500,000 days.
About 2740