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One pound equals 16 ounces. A measuring cup can hold 8 ounces. So, it would equal about 3 3/4 cups of flour. To be safe, add 4 full cups.

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Q: How many cups of flour is one pound ten ounces?
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How many cups in 1 pound of bread flour?

1 pound of regular flour=16 ounces 16 ounces=2 cups Therefore in 1 pound of flour there are 2 cups.

How many cups in a pound of flour?

There are 3.6 cups in 1 pound of flour, or 18 cups in a 5 pound bag of flour.

How many cups of flour in a pound?

There are 3.6 cups in 1 pound of flour, or 18 cups in a 5 pound bag of flour.

How many cups of regular flour equal 14oz?

Conversion from ounces (weight) to cups (volume) depends on the density of the item being converted. Rice flour is generally 3.5 cups to the pound (which is 16 ounces). Thus, 14 ounces * (1 pound/16 ounces) * (3.5 cups/1 pound) = 3.0625 cups.

How many ounces are there in a pound of flour?

There are 16 ounces in one pound of flour (or anything else).

How many cups of wheat flour to the pound?

Approximately 3.6 cups to a pound of wheat flour.

How many cups in half pound of flour?

Approximately 2 cups in half a pound of flour.

How many cups of flour is 1lb?

1 cup is 8 ounces . -So 1 pound of flour is 2 cups

How many cups of flour to lbs?

about 2 cups but varies for what your food is.ANS 2 - All food varies, but 1 cup of plain white flour is about 4.4 ounces. That is 3.5 cups of flour in 1 pound.

How many cups of flour are in 14 ounces?

There are approximately 3 cups of flour in 14 ounces.

How many cups of flour equals fifteen and a half ounces?

Approximately 3 cups of flour equals 15.5 ounces.

Need 6 cups flour how many pounds?

According to WolframAlpha, 6 quarts of flour is about 116ounces, or 7.25lbs.