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You should find one half the number of chromosomes in sex cells (gametes) than in body cells.

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Q: How many chromosomes does a triploid cell have?
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How many organisms do a triploid have?

A triploid organism has three sets of chromosomes in each cell, compared to the usual two sets in diploid organisms. This means that triploids have an extra set of chromosomes, which can affect their physical characteristics and abilities to reproduce. The genetic makeup of triploids can make them infertile or less adaptable to their environment.

Triploid organisms have copies of each chromosome?

In triploid organisms, there are three sets of chromosomes in each cell. This can lead to genetic imbalances and affect the organism's development and viability. Triploidy commonly occurs in plants, but can also occur in animals, including humans.

What is meant by a triploid organism?

A triploid organism has three sets of chromosomes instead of the normal two sets. This can result from the fusion of two eggs with one sperm or one egg with two sperm during fertilization. Triploidy is a type of polyploidy, which can lead to abnormal development and often results in infertility in animals.

What indicates the number of copies of the basic number of chromosomes?

The term ploidy indicates the number of complete sets of chromosomes in a cell. This can be haploid (one set of chromosomes), diploid (two sets), triploid (three sets), and so on. For example, humans are typically diploid, with two sets of 23 chromosomes each.

What is the Triploid stage of a flowering plant?

The triploid stage of a flowering plant occurs during fertilization when the male and female gametes combine to form a triploid zygote. This triploid zygote then develops into the endosperm, which provides nutrients for the developing embryo in the seed. The triploid endosperm typically contains three sets of chromosomes, one from the male and two from the female parent.

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If a diploid number is 42, then the haploid number is 21. A triploid number would be 63. But why would you have the chromosomes from 3 parents combining?

If the diploid number of a plant is ten how many chromosomes would you expect to find in its triploid offspring?

If the diploid number of the plant is ten, then its haploid number is 5. Since triploid refers to three times the haploid number, then a triploid plant would have 15 chromosomes.

Plants with four sets of chromosomes are said to be triploid?

Triploid indicates there are three sets of chromosomes within the nucleus. A plant with four sets of chromosomes is said to have a tetraploid nucleus.

What is three copies of chromosomes known as?

Three copies of chromosomes are known as trisomy. This genetic condition can result in disorders such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21) when an individual has an extra copy of chromosome 21.

Triploid organisms have copies of each chromosome?

In triploid organisms, there are three sets of chromosomes in each cell. This can lead to genetic imbalances and affect the organism's development and viability. Triploidy commonly occurs in plants, but can also occur in animals, including humans.

What is meant by a triploid organism?

A triploid organism has three sets of chromosomes instead of the normal two sets. This can result from the fusion of two eggs with one sperm or one egg with two sperm during fertilization. Triploidy is a type of polyploidy, which can lead to abnormal development and often results in infertility in animals.

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What is the Triploid stage of a flowering plant?

The triploid stage of a flowering plant occurs during fertilization when the male and female gametes combine to form a triploid zygote. This triploid zygote then develops into the endosperm, which provides nutrients for the developing embryo in the seed. The triploid endosperm typically contains three sets of chromosomes, one from the male and two from the female parent.

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How many chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes?

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Humans typically have 46 chromosomes in each cell, with 23 pairs.

A triploid cell resulting from double fertilization becomes the what?

A triploid cell resulting from double fertilization becomes the endosperm, which provides nutrients to the developing embryo in plants.