It depends on the species of monkey! There is considerable variety.
Here are a few monkey diploid chromosome numbers:
capuchin monkey 54
owl monkey male 49; female 50
red howler monkey 47, 48, or 49 (an unusual system!)
rhesus monkey 42
squirrel monkey 44
You can see that chimps are related to humans from DNA. We share about 98% of the nucleotides with chimps. The ERV's between chimps and humans are reverse transcripted into both creatures in the same spots and that is not plausible by anything but a relationship with them. The Chromosomes are identical except for chromosome #2 in humans and that shows a fusion of two chromosomes from our ancestors. Chimps along with all of our primate cousins are going extinct. Like in comparative morphology, comparative genomics shows that in the nested hierarchies, chimps have the most homologies and the fewest differences in a nucleotide by nucleotide comparison of the genome.
46 chromosomes
23 chromosomes
They have 19 Chromosomes
A dandelion typically has 16 chromosomes.
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Chimps have 24 pairs.
You can see that chimps are related to humans from DNA. We share about 98% of the nucleotides with chimps. The ERV's between chimps and humans are reverse transcripted into both creatures in the same spots and that is not plausible by anything but a relationship with them. The Chromosomes are identical except for chromosome #2 in humans and that shows a fusion of two chromosomes from our ancestors. Chimps along with all of our primate cousins are going extinct. Like in comparative morphology, comparative genomics shows that in the nested hierarchies, chimps have the most homologies and the fewest differences in a nucleotide by nucleotide comparison of the genome.
Chimps are not native to Britain but we do have many Chimps in our Wildlife Parks and Zoo's.
19 species
as much as a human
Chimps are called chimps, and they are always an animal.