6 feet are 182.88 centimeters.
2 inches are 5.08 centimeters.
Total 187.96 centimeters.
Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of length or distance".
5 feet and 2 inches is equivalent to 157.48 centimeters.
There are 29.52755903 inches in 75 centimeters. 75 centimeters x 0.393700787 inches/1 centimeter = 29.52755903 inches 1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inches
1 Meter = 36 inches, more or less 5 feet, 5 inches = 65 inches So, 5 feet, 5 inches is just under 2 meters, give or take a centimeter or two.
2 feet 91/2 inches
2 yards 2 feet is equal to 74 inches. There are 36 inches in a yard and 12 inches in a foot. So, 2 yards is 72 inches and 2 feet is 24 inches which totals 74 inches.
10 feet, 2 inches, and 1 centimeter
5 feet and 2 inches is equivalent to 157.48 centimeters.
70 centimeter = 27.5590551 inches
4 ft 2 inches = 127 centimetres.
(1/2 centimeter)=0.196850394 inches
600 mm (1 meter/1000 mm)(100 centimeter/1 meter)(1 inch/2.54 centimeters)= 24 inches, which is 2 feet====================
31 inches = how many feet and inches 2 feet and 7 inches
There are 29.52755903 inches in 75 centimeters. 75 centimeters x 0.393700787 inches/1 centimeter = 29.52755903 inches 1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inches
It is a bit less than one fourth of one inch.
60.96 centimeters.
5.08 cm
32 inches is 2 feet and 8 inches.