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Running ropes should be taken out of service if there are three broken wires in one strand in one lay. This is considered the maximum allowable limit for safe operation.

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Q: How many broken wires in one strand in one lay should running ropes be taken out of service?
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What must be broken for the DNA strand to separate?

Hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases need to be broken for the DNA strand to separate during replication or transcription.

What must be broken for DNA strand to be separate?

Hydrogen Bonds

What is the difference of old and a new strand of DNA?

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Strand characteristics in DNA replication refer to the direction in which new DNA strands are synthesized. DNA replication is semi-conservative, meaning each new DNA molecule consists of one original (parental) strand and one newly synthesized (daughter) strand. The strands are antiparallel, with one strand running 5' to 3' and the other running 3' to 5'.

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The template strand of DNA is the one that is transcribed into mRNA. This strand is complementary to the mRNA sequence, allowing for the correct base pairing during transcription.

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The hydrogen bonds are broken in order to unzip the DNA strand. This all occurs during the DNA replication process.

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The soft core of the hair strand is called the medulla. It is a cylindrical column running through the center of the hair shaft and may or may not be present in all hair types.

Ifa DNA triplet is CTA then what is the complimentary DNA?

The complementary DNA sequence to CTA is GAT. In DNA, adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T) and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G). So, for every C in one strand, there should be a G in the complementary strand, and for every T in the original strand, there should be an A in the complementary strand.

When is an strand test carried out?

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