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The surface area of Earth is 510,072,000 square kilometers.

Packing people in shoulder to shoulder, one should be able to fit about 10,000,000 people per square kilometer.

Thus, one could theoretically stand 5,100,720,000,000,000 (or 5.1 quadrillion) people on the surface of the Earth, or about 772,000 times the present human population.

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1mo ago

Assuming each human occupies about 0.25 square meters (2.7 square feet) of space while standing shoulder to shoulder, the Earth's total land area of approximately 148,940,000 square kilometers (57,505,693 square miles) could potentially fit around 595,760,000,000 average humans.

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Q: How many average humans could physically fit onto the surface of the planet Earth standing shoulder to shoulder?
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