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Q: How many atoms are in 1.2 moles U?
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Mass of Aluminum Sulfate: 2.74g Molar Mass of Aluminum Sulfate: 342.14 g/mol Therefore, number of moles of Oxygen can be calculated by 2.74g * 12/342.14 g/mol = 0.096 moles Now since u have the moles of Oxygen, the number of oxygen atoms is given by 0.096 mol * (6.02*10^23) particles or atoms/mol that gives u about 5.78 * 10^22 atoms of oxygen

How many moles are 3.58 x 1024 atoms of pure uranium 5.95 mole U?

To find the number of moles in 3.58 x 10^24 atoms of uranium, divide the number of atoms by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol). So, 3.58 x 10^24 atoms / 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol ≈ 5.95 moles of uranium.

How many atoms are there in 2.50 mol of hydrogen?

For this problem you don't need the atomic mass of the element. If you want to convert moles to atoms, you need to take the number of moles and multiply it by Avogadro's constant, 6.02 × 1023. Divide by one mole for units to cancel.2.50 moles H × (6.02 × 1023 atoms) = 1.51 ×1024 atoms H

How many atoms of oxygen in 2a12o3?

look is 12 and u should know that

What is the mass of 7.50 moles of uranium?

The molar mass of uranium is approximately 238.03 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of 7.50 moles of uranium would be 1785.23 grams (7.50 moles * 238.03 g/mol).

How many moles of H2 are needed to produce 8 moles of NH3?

hahaha ur soo dum u dont know lol go to dumbo

How many moles is it to fly to Puerto Rico from Cleveland?

you cant use moles to fly to puerto rico what r u thinking

How do you convert 6.21021 uranium atoms to grams?

To convert uranium atoms to grams, you need to know the molar mass of uranium. The molar mass of uranium is approximately 238.03 g/mol. First, calculate the moles of uranium atoms by dividing the number of atoms by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23). Then, multiply the moles by the molar mass to get the grams of uranium.

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what does skin moles look like and where can u get them

How many times heavier than hydrogen atoms of Carbon and Calcium?

A carbon atom is about 12 times heavier than a hydrogen atom, while a calcium atom is about 40 times heavier than a hydrogen atom. Therefore, carbon atoms are 12 times heavier than hydrogen atoms, and calcium atoms are 40 times heavier than hydrogen atoms.

How can you cure moles?

u cant

How many atoms are there in 2 moles of hydrogen?

In 1 mole of anything there is 6.022 x 10^23 of that item. In 1 mole of chairs there is 6.022 x10^23 chairs. In 1 mole of bacteria there is 6.022 x 10^23 bacteria. Likewise, 1 mole of hydrogen atoms is equivalent to 6.022x10^23 hydrogen atoms. 2 moles of hydrogen atoms is double this amount. 2 x 6.022 x 10^23 = 12.044 x 10^23, which is 1.2044 x 10^24 hydrogen atoms. This number, 6.022 x 10^23, is called Avogadro's Number. It is like the word "dozen", which means "12 of". 1 dozen bagels is 12 bagels. 1 dozen animals is 12 animals. Same concept here. Hope that helps ya.