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There is a wide variety of animals on Earth, with estimates ranging from around 8.7 million to over 16 million species. These include mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and insects, among others.

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Q: How many animals are there on your planet?
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Does Pluto have animals?

If you mean Pluto, the planet that used to be considered a planet, then no, it doesn't have animals living there.

Can an ecosystem be as large as a planet?

yes. an ecosystem involves plants animals and water. earth is a big ecosystem and its a planet. so it is possible

How is environment ecosystem the same?

because as such animals are in the ecosystem on this planet is called earth

What planet has wings?

No planet in our solar system has wings. Planets are celestial bodies that do not have physical features like wings. Wings are typically associated with animals, birds or insects on Earth.

Have any dogs or animals visited Jupiter before?

No and probably never will as Jupiter is a gaseous planet.

Related questions

When did The Planet's Funniest Animals end?

The Planet's Funniest Animals ended in 2008.

What is the duration of The Planet's Funniest Animals?

The duration of The Planet's Funniest Animals is 1800.0 seconds.

The only planet with plants and animals?

The only planet that we know of with plants and animals is Earth.

When was The Planet's Funniest Animals created?

The Planet's Funniest Animals was created on 1999-02-17.

Does Pluto have animals?

If you mean Pluto, the planet that used to be considered a planet, then no, it doesn't have animals living there.

How many animals would be able to take on a space colony?

watch planet of the apes.

What are the animals in your planet?


Are there animals on the planet Venus?


What animals are on the planet Mars?

No animals currently exist on planet Mars as we know of considering how the conditions there are to harsh to live.

What are the release dates for The Planet's Funniest Animals - 1999?

The Planet's Funniest Animals - 1999 was released on: USA: 2005

Which planet has a planet and animals?

Earth is the only planet known to support any kind of life.

What are the ratings and certificates for The Planet's Funniest Animals - 1999?

The Planet's Funniest Animals - 1999 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG