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No they are not. For a codon, there are 4^3 = 64 codon combinations, but only 20 [common] amino acids. The 4 represents the 4 nitrogenous bases, and the ^3 represents the arrangement into a codon (3 bp).

An example of an amino acid that is specified by more than one amino acid is Alanine, which is specified by any of the following combinations: GUU, GUC, GUA, GUG.

Because most amino acids have more than one codon, the genetic code is called "degenerate".

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Each codon has three nucleotides in it. A codon codes for 1 amino acid. In order to specify 3 amino acids, 3 codons are needed.

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3 nucleotides make 1 codon - which codes for 1 amino acid.

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Q: How many amino acids does each condon code for?
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There are 150 codons required to code for 150 amino acids in a protein. Each amino acid is coded for by a specific sequence of three nucleotides (a codon) in the mRNA molecule during protein synthesis.

How many codons would be needed if a bacterial protein contains 150 amino acids?

1. the start codon 2. 150 codons, 1 for each amino acid 3. the stop codon The total number of different codons is 64...if this question is asking about unique codons used the answer will depend on which amino acids are in the peptide.

To create amino acids the genetic code requires nucleotides?

Yes, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are created through the translation of the genetic code. This process involves the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA being read in groups of three (codons), each of which corresponds to a specific amino acid. This relationship between nucleotides and amino acids is crucial for protein synthesis.

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In DNA, every three bases is called a codon. Each codon corresponds to a specific amino acid during protein synthesis.

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What does each codon code for?

Each codon codes for a specific amino acid, which is a building block of proteins. The sequence of codons in mRNA determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein. There are 64 possible codons, with 61 coding for amino acids and 3 serving as stop codons to signal the end of protein synthesis.

Why must bases be grouped in triplents in order to represent amino acids?

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