The wind can have any level from 30 db (breeze blowing around objects) to 60 db (onshore sea winds) and up to 90 db (hurricane winds). Tornadoes can be even louder (freight train) within about a hundred yards of the vortex.
This is a typical wrong believe that a jackhammer has 110 dB, a rock band has 120 dB and an aeroplane must have 130 dB. Every one seems to be content with these wrong numbers.
If there is no given distance with the measured decibel value, such numbers are really nonsense.
With doubling the distance from a sound source the decibels decrease by 6 dB.
So an airplane sound can be at 12.5 m distance 130 dB. At 25 m distance 124 dB, at 50 m distance 118 dB and at 100 m distance only 114 dB.
You see how important it is to tell always the distance with the measured decibel level. Don't believe that only a specific decibel value belongs to noise source.
listening to loud audio for a long period time can decibels your ears.
A sound at 15 decibels is not very load. It is equivalent to the sound that watch makes when ticking.
120 decibels is considered extremely loud and can cause immediate harm to hearing if exposure is prolonged. It is equivalent to the noise level of a chainsaw or a rock concert. It is important to use ear protection in environments where noise levels reach 120 decibels.
A avalanche can range from 100 dB to 180 dB
A large cannon can produce around 175-185 decibels. This is extremely loud and can cause hearing damage if not properly protected.
Aome machines claim to spin at 74 decibels. Is that loud?
Fundamentally, 43 decibels is loud. It is probably enough to annoy neighbors, but anything 85 decibels is enough to hurt hearing.
About as loud as a normal conversation.
A Saturn V rocket at liftoff could reach levels of around 220 decibels at close range, which is louder than a gunshot or a jet engine. The noise could be heard from several miles away and would often cause windows to rattle nearby.
109 decibles
listening to loud audio for a long period time can decibels your ears.
yes it is... its almost high enough to make you deaf.........LOL! 8.9 decibels is very, very quiet. It is quieter than a whisper. 70 decibels is loud. 140 decibels is painfully loud.
Cockatoo-134 decibels
104 decibels
It would be about 80 decibels if you were nearby.
57 decibels is about the noise that a high speed toothbrush makes or the low setting on an alarm clock or telephone. It can be loud enough to wake you up.
Sound is measured in decibels. Decibels are units used to measure the intensity of sound. The highest decibel alarm clock available is 120 decibels, which can be compared to be as loud as the sound of a fire engine siren.