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a giraffe's tongue can grow up to 3ft long

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A giraffe's tongue can be up to 18-20 inches long. It is long and prehensile, allowing them to grasp leaves and twigs high up in trees.

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Can giraffes lick their elbows?

No, giraffes cannot lick their elbows. Their necks are too long and their tongues are not flexible enough to reach that far back.

What are facts about giraffes bones?

Giraffes have the same number of neck vertebrae as humans, but theirs are much larger. Their leg bones are strong and dense to support their large body, and their skull is designed to withstand the impact of their powerful headbutting behavior. Giraffes also have ossicones, which are bony protuberances on their head covered in skin and hair.

Why do giraffes live in grasslands?

Giraffes live in grasslands because these areas provide them with a suitable habitat that offers plentiful food in the form of leaves from trees and shrubs. The open spaces in grasslands also allow giraffes to see predators from afar and easily escape if needed. Additionally, the tall trees in grasslands provide them with shelter and places to rest.

How is the circulatory system of a human and a giraffes circulatory system different?

The main difference between the circulatory systems of humans and giraffes is the length of their blood vessels. Giraffes have very long necks, so their heart must pump blood with enough force to reach their brain. This results in higher blood pressure and a larger heart compared to humans. Additionally, giraffes have specialized valves in their neck to prevent blood from rushing to their brain when they lower their heads to drink.

Darwin and Lamarck had different ideas about why all giraffes now have long necks why?

Darwin's theory of natural selection posits that giraffes with longer necks were better able to reach food and survived to pass on their genes, leading to an increase in the population with long necks. Lamarck's theory, on the other hand, suggested that giraffes developed long necks because they continually stretched to reach taller plants, and this acquired characteristic was passed on to their offspring. Ultimately, Darwin's theory is supported by evidence of genetic variations and selective pressures, while Lamarck's theory has been largely discredited.

Related questions

How long is a giraffes' tung?

A giraffe's tongue is 18 to 20 inches (46 to 50 centimeters) long and blue-black. Source-

Why do giraffes evolved with long necks?

Giraffes evovled with long necks so they can reach the tree and eat the leaves.

What adaptation do giraffes have to hep them eat leaves?

giraffes have long necks and spots

How long are giraffes' tails?

Giraffes' tails are typically between 8 to 10 feet long. They use their tails to swat away insects and as a communication tool with other giraffes.

What are 3 opinions about giraffes?

I LOVE giraffes. There necks don't seem that long to me. They are intelligent

Have giraffes always have long necks?


What is the tail for?

How long is a giraffes tail?

Where do giraffes have long hair?

on their necks

How long do giraffes live in the zoo?

Giraffes can spend their whole lives in a zoo, if they're raised in captivity. Giraffes live for about 25 years.

What is the structural adaptation of the giraffe?

A long neck that enables it to reach fruit and leaves at the top of trees. This adaptation happened because the giraffes with the longer necks survived when the shorter necked giraffes couldn't. The shorter necked giraffes did not have enough food to eat, as it was all unreachable in the trees. Thus the longer necked giraffes who survived mated with other long necked giraffes and produced more long necked giraffes!

What rhymes with throng?

Song, tong, long and wrong.

What are giraffes appearance?

They are tall and have long necks