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The average human hug typically lasts about 3 seconds to 10 seconds, although it can vary depending on cultural norms and the relationship between the individuals hugging.

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How much pounds per square inch of pressure is in an average human hug?

An average human hug exerts about 10 pounds per square inch of pressure. This pressure can vary depending on the strength and duration of the hug.

What is a hug called when you get one from Niall Horan?

It's called a Horan Hug! (his last name is HORAN, and it's a hug)

What is an air hug?

A type of hug without actually touching somebody, as such a long-ranged hug.

What are the release dates for The Last Hug - 2011?

The Last Hug - 2011 was released on: USA: 19 November 2011 (Chicago, Illinois) (premiere)

Is it okay to hug other girls when the guy has a girlfriend?

Absolutely, as long as it just a friendly hug.

Is a long hug means anything or is it just bean nice?

A long hug definatley means increased affection, as the Hug is a sign of love. But be careful, the love may not be in the form you hope, and a "longer hug" than usual may not be sufficiant evidence to show you what you want.

Wean guys hug why do they hug you for long time even thou they late for work?

He obviously either likes you or thinks you need it. you either are very hot or very pathetic...either or these things can lead to this long hug.

What does it mean when a guy you really know tells you to save the best hug until last and hug his friend first?

obviously he likes you more.

Can duration of a hug tell the relationship between two people?

Well if the hug last a while they obviously dont want to let go ;)

How long should boys hug girls?

not long 5 sec.

My dolly gave me a big hug is an example of what?

Personification, human-like actions attributed to a non-human object.

What if you hug a guy who's going out with someone else but he likes it?

Then he's human.