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Q: How long does it take until radium kills you?
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How long did it take Marie curie to discover radium and polonium?

Marie Curie, along with her husband Pierre Curie, discovered radium and polonium in 1898. It took them several years of dedicated research and experiments to isolate and characterize these new elements.

What can you do with radium?

Radium is a radioactive element that has historically been used in luminous paint for watch dials, radiation therapy for cancer treatment, and as a neutron source in certain scientific instruments. However, due to its high radioactivity and associated health risks, its use is now highly regulated and limited to controlled applications in specialized fields.

How long does it take to get the liquid hot magma axe in Adventure Quest Worlds the video game?

It has a 10% drop rate, which isn't too bad. You could get it after 2 kills or 20. It took me around 15 kills.

When did we stop using radium?

We have never stopped using radium. Many "trivial" uses and certain "inappropriate" medical uses were stopped decades ago. While many valid uses of radium have have stopped because better or safer materials (e.g. tritium, cobalt-60, caesium-137, promethium-147) have been found for those purposes, radium still has certain specialized medical and industrial uses where nothing else can yet take its place.

Uses of radium?

Radium has been historically used in luminous paint for clock dials and in medical treatments for cancer. However, its use has declined due to its high radioactivity and health risks. Nowadays, radium is primarily used for research purposes and in certain industrial applications, such as in the production of specialized luminous devices.

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