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Q: How long does it take for your sense of smell and taste to return after stopping the use of tobacco?
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Does tobacco enhance your sense of smell and taste?

Wine judges consider tobacco not to enhance taste and smell but destroy it, apple is good it refreshes the palette.

You lost sense of smell how can you get it back?

How or whether your sense of smell will return is dependent upon what caused it to disappear in the first place. See an ENT (ear, nose, throat doctor) or neurologist asap for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. The longer the sense of smell is gone, the less likely you will get it back.

Can drug dogs smell tobacco?

There aren't many drugs that smell like tobacco. In my experience peyote and magic mushrooms may slightly resemble that of tobacco.

What are the olfaction sense?

it refers to the sense of smell

Do crocodiles have a good sense of smell?

It has a sharp sense of touch, smell, and taste.

What are the gray wolf's strongest sense organs?

the sense of smell

How do you get your taste back if you have a cold?

Technically, we only "taste" sweet, sour, salt and bitter. The tongue can only sense those 4 tastes. The rest of what we often call "taste buds" is actually the smell of food. If you have a sinus infection you can often lose the sense of smell. As soon as your cold passes, you are decongested and you start feeling better, your sense of taste should come right back! If you can't taste anything at all, even after you are well, You may need some medical assistance in recovering your sense of smell. Unfortunately there are some who lose their sense of smell and never get it back. Only a doctor can assist you on this one.

Do amphibians have a strong sense of smell?

amphibians does have a sense of smell

How strong is the sense of smell?

Raccoons have an excellent sense of smell.

How does your sense of tast affect your sense of smell?

Smell is an important part of taste. without smell you would not taste anything. So if you don't have a sense of smell you won't have the sense of taste eather.

What is the function of the gerund phase in Stopping to smell the roses is good advice?

The gerund phrase "Stopping to smell the roses" acts as the subject of the sentence, indicating the action that is being discussed. It emphasizes the idea of taking time to appreciate the beauty around us.

What are the elephant sense of smell?

Elephants have a fierce sense of smell. Elephants can detect water with their sense of smell that is over 11 miles away.