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Because the Space Shuttle will have to fly at a higher altitude and different inclination that if it was going to the ISS (International Space Station), it will take a little under 3 days to get there. The Hubble Telescope operates past the reach of the Earths Atmosphere, at an orbit of approximately 360 miles above the Earth. Although it could techincally reach it sooner, there is a slight chance that the Space Shuttle may encounter some space junk, especially after the recent collision of two satellites orbitting the planet.

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15y ago
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14y ago

The HST is in a nearly circular orbit at a height of roughly 347 miles above the earth's surface.

Depending on its exact altitude ... which varies slightly ... it completes each orbital revolution

in 96 to 97 minutes.

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14y ago

The HST orbits at an altitude of 353 miles. At that altitude, it moves at about 17,500 miles per hour,

and completes one revolution every 97 minutes.

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14y ago

The short answer is that the Hubble telescope does not orbit the Moon -- it orbits the Earth.

The Hubble Space Telescope's Earth orbit, at an altitude of about 360 miles (580 km), takes 96 minutes.

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1mo ago

The Hubble Space Telescope does not orbit the moon. It orbits Earth approximately every 97 minutes at an altitude of about 547 kilometers (340 miles).

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16y ago

It takes 97 minutes for hubble to fully orbit around Earth. It travels at 5 miles per second.

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14y ago

The Hubble Space telescope orbits the Earth every 96 -> 97 minutes. So in a day it has orbited about 15 times.

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12y ago

It takes a full 98 minutes for the Hubble satellite to completely orbit the Earth! Fast huh!

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11y ago

An object in low-eart orbit takes about one and a half hours for one orbit. The Wikipedia article states that it orbits at a height of 559 km, and takes 96-97 minutes for one orbit.

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10y ago

every 96 to 97 minutes

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Q: How long does it take for the Hubble telescope to orbit the moon?
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Is the moon or the Hubble space telescope closest to earth?

The moon is closest to Earth, as it orbits our planet at an average distance of about 384,400 kilometers. In contrast, the Hubble Space Telescope orbits much farther away at an altitude of approximately 547 kilometers above the Earth's surface.

What astronomy word begins with h?

Helium, Hydrogen (elements in stars and planets). Hubble (astronomer and telescope). Hercules (constellation) Heliocentric theory. Hypergiant (star). HR diagram.

How long does it take the moon Phobos to orbit the moon?

Phobos doesn't orbit the moon. It orbits Mars.

How long does it take for the sun to orbit the moon?

Quite simply, the Sun DOESN'T orbit the Moon.

How long does it take for a moon to orbit?

A moon is a very broad question... Our moon takes somewhere close 27.3 days to orbit the Earth.

Related questions

Is the moon or the Hubble space telescope closest to earth?

The moon is closest to Earth, as it orbits our planet at an average distance of about 384,400 kilometers. In contrast, the Hubble Space Telescope orbits much farther away at an altitude of approximately 547 kilometers above the Earth's surface.

Is the Hubble telescope bigger than the moon?

The Hubble Space Telescope is not as big as the moon. It is as big as the space shuttle cargo bay.

Who takes photo of planet Pluto and its moon charon?

The hubble telescope.

What can the Hubble telescope see?

You can see Earth, Mars, the Moon and galaxies!

What if the hubble telescope was on the dark side of the moon. i say this because the telescope then wont have the reflections of light from our planet from the sun?

Hubble was first and foremost designed to be serviced in space, unlike other satellites. However, if it was in a geosynchronous orbit on the dark side of the moon, we couldn't communicate with it due to the radio blackout that occurs. Hubble's instruments also compensate for ambient orbital light, and many observations are taken when Hubble is in orbit on the dark side of the Earth. The James Webb Space Telescope (originally named the Next Generation Space Telescope), the follow-on to HST, will however take advantage of lower light conditions by orbiting at the Sun-Earth Lagrange (L2) point, which is out past the Moon's orbital path. The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, Herschel Space Observatory and Planck space observatory are already in orbit at the Sun-Earth L2 point.

Why was the hubble telescope built?

The Hubble Space Telescope was built to provide scientists with a clearer and more detailed view of the universe by observing cosmic objects without the distortion of Earth's atmosphere. It has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the cosmos through its high-quality images and data.

What astronomy word begins with h?

Helium, Hydrogen (elements in stars and planets). Hubble (astronomer and telescope). Hercules (constellation) Heliocentric theory. Hypergiant (star). HR diagram.

Is there a place named after Edwin Hubble?

Apart from a school and a planetarium.An asteroid.A crater on the Moon(My favorite) the Edwin Hubble Highway.

Why is it easier for astronauts to service the Hubble telescope than to service the James Webb telescope?

This is primarily due to the orbit as the HST who circles Earth at a mere 570 km above the surface while the JWST will have an elliptical orbit with a diameter of 800,000 km. Even in the closest point to Earth the JWST will be twice as far as the moon. You will have to prepare for a kind of "expedition to the moon" when going to repair the JWST in space.

Where do satellites orbit the earth?

In closed elliptical paths of which the Earth's center is one focus, at any distance outside the Earth's atmosphere. Examples include the International Space Station, TV satellites, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Moon.

What is the most famous orbiter?

Probably Sputnik (Sputnik 1), the Hubble (the Hubble Space Telescope) or the International Space Station (ISS) if you mean artificial satellites. Otherwise it's the moon.

How far away is the Hubble telescope?

The Hubble is in a near-circular low-Earth orbit. It's approximately 559 km (347 mi) above the Earth's surface. If your car could drive straight up, it'd take about 6 or 7 hours to reach the Hubble. In comparison, the moon is between about 356500 km (221519 mi) and 406500 km (252847 mi) away.