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It can take several hours for sugar to fully dissolve in a soda without being stirred. The rate of dissolution depends on factors like temperature, sugar crystal size, and saturation level of the liquid.

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Q: How long does it take for sugar to dissolve without being stirred in soda?
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Related questions

Which sugar cube dissolved faster when stirred or not stirred?

The sugar cube would dissolve faster when stirred. When you stir a sugar cube in water, you increase the rate at which molecules of sugar come into contact with water molecules, speeding up the dissolving process. Without stirring, the process is slower as diffusion is the only mechanism that helps the sugar dissolve.

Does stirred sugar dissolve faster?


What happen to the sugar when it put into cold water and stirred?

When sugar is put into cold water and stirred, it will dissolve. The sugar molecules will disperse and mix evenly with the water molecules to form a sugar solution.

Why does a sugar cube dissolve slower when not stirred?

When a sugar cube is not stirred, the surface area exposed to the solvent is limited, which slows down the rate of dissolution. Stirring increases the contact between the sugar cube and the solvent, allowing the sugar molecules to dissolve more quickly.

How fast does sugar dissolve in hot water not stirred?

around 6-7 mins

How do you use dissolve in a sentence?

She stirred the sugar into the hot tea, watching it dissolve completely.

What happens when sugar and glycerin are put into water and stirred?

When sugar and glycerin are put into water and stirred, they will dissolve and form a homogeneous mixture. The sugar molecules will break down and disperse in the water, while the glycerin will dissolve and mix evenly with the water, creating a sweet and viscous solution.

How much time does it take sugar to dissolve in milk?

It typically takes a few minutes for sugar to dissolve in milk when stirred continuously. The time can vary depending on factors such as the temperature of the milk and the size of the sugar crystals.

What is stirred sugar?

It is sugar that is stirred and is dissolved faster than regular sugar.

How much time to dissolve the sugar?

The time it takes to dissolve sugar depends on factors like the temperature of the liquid, the size of the sugar crystals, and how vigorously the mixture is stirred. It typically takes a few minutes for sugar to dissolve in hot water, while it may take longer in cold water or other liquids.

Can sugar dissolve in a clear glass full of cold water without stirring?

Yes, sugar can dissolve in a clear glass of cold water without stirring, but it will dissolve more slowly compared to if the water were warm. The process can be accelerated by stirring or heating the water.

What happens when sugar is stirred into water?

When sugar is stirred into water, the sugar particles dissolve in the water. This is because sugar is a polar molecule, allowing it to break apart and be surrounded by water molecules. This process creates a homogeneous sugar-water solution.