

Best Answer

It has a rapid rotation of 10.6 hours.

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Brant Lockman

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2y ago
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Q: How long does it take for it to rotate?
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How long does it take for Venus to rotate?

243 days

How long it take to Eris rotate on its axis?

Eris takes approximately 550 Earth years to rotate on its axis.

How long does it take or the moon to rotate around the earth?

27.3 Days

How long does it take for the moon to rotate on its axis approxamatley?

About 28 days.

How long does it take neptune rotate around the sun?

about 164 years

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How long does it take for Mercury to rotate on its own axis in 1 day?

It takes about 59 Earth days for Mercury to rotate once on its own axis, so in 1 day on Mercury, it rotates only a fraction of its total rotation.

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Callisto takes about 16.7 Earth days to complete one full rotation on its axis.

How long does it take the moon to completely rotate?

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How long does Jupiter take to rotate in a yeaer?

it exactly takes 4,331 earth days for Jupiter to rotate in a year.

How long it take to Eris rotate on its axis?

Eris takes approximately 550 Earth years to rotate on its axis.