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Honey bees do not hibernate. However, they will be confined to the hive in cold weather because they cannot fly if the air temperature is below about 17C (54F). They will cluster together and vibrate their flight muscles to generate heat, keeping the centre of the cluster up to about 98F (37C). This takes energy, and is why the bees store honey: so they can feed when they can't fly out.

Other bees, such as bumblebees, may hibernate through the colder parts of winter, but the length of time will depend very much on the temperature. because of global warming many bees are dyin because they come out of the hive around Christmas time cause the winters are milder

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13y ago
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10y ago

Once the temperature goes below fifty degrees wasps start to have an issue with flying. As it dips to lower points below fifty degrees the colony begins to dye off leaving the queen to find a place to hibernate for the winter.

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8mo ago

Rabbits do not hibernate like some other animals. They are active throughout the winter months and do not enter a state of hibernation.

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10y ago

Yes, Bumblebees do hibernate. They will individually find their own hibernation spot to get through the winter months.

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15y ago

Some bumble bee queens hibernate over the winter.

Honey bees do not hibernate.

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14y ago
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17 years, on average

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