An elephant's lifespan seems to vary, but the average is between 40-60 years. One Asian elephant was documented to have lived 86 years.
On the other hands, captive elephants live nowhere near as long as their wild counterparts.
An elephant's lifespan seems to vary, but the average is between 40-60 years. One Asian elephant was documented to have lived 86 years.
On the other hands, captive elephants live nowhere near as long as their wild counterparts.
I believe lions live out in the plains and flatlands of Kenya.
Most elephants in the wild live to be around 60-70 years old, while elephants in captivity can live into their 70s or even 80s. It is not uncommon for elephants to live multiple decades.
Yes, elephants can be found in a variety of habitats, including plains. They are adaptable animals that can thrive in savannas, grasslands, forests, and wetlands.
No elephants live in North America. Unless you mean the ones in the zoos. The Mastodons (AKA Woolly Mammoths) died out long ago, but the museum at the Los Feliz tar pits has a collection of their fossilized remains found here, on the continent. That same museum aslo has the largest collection of saber-toothed tigers, by the way.
Yes, Kenya is home to a significant population of wild elephants. The country is renowned for its conservation efforts and a number of national parks and reserves, such as Amboseli and Tsavo, provide important habitats for these majestic creatures. However, elephants in Kenya face threats from poaching and habitat loss.
12 years
Not long they die
4 years
Elephants are like humans. They have a long life expectancy like humans. Elephants in the wild are known to live an average of 50 to 70 years. Some domesticated elephants have known to live upto the age of 80 years too. They probably live the longest among all mammals (excluding humans).
Elephants live in Asia and Africa. Tapirs live in Australia or Africa ? ~ ~Sleenky
86 years is the maximum recorded
Elephants live in grassland
Yes elephants do live in families
The elephants live in the grassland and forrest
Yes, there lives elephants south in sahara.
Elephants are like humans. They have a long life expectancy like humans. Elephants in the wild are known to live an average of 50 to 70 years. Some domesticated elephants have known to live upto the age of 80 years too. They probably live the longest among all mammals (excluding humans).
It depends on where the elephants live, African ones live in groups of 0/25 Indian elephants live between 0/15 and Bulgarian/Russian elephants live in 30/40.