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If in puberty, they grow for about 3-6 years :) average age to start breast development is 11, and it can continue until you are about 17,18 or 19 if you are a bit of a slow grower lol but it is totally normal! If you are fast then you may be done at about 14/15 or even 12!! :)

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3mo ago

Breasts typically continue to grow and change shape until a person is in their mid-20s. However, hormonal changes during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight fluctuations can also affect breast size and shape at any age.

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What does a leaf need to stay alive?

It needs to be connected to the plant. As long as the plant has water, nutrients the plant and leaves) will continue to live Leaves grow and achieve a specific pattern and shape, then stop. Other plant parts like stems or roots will usually continue to grow as long as they have the resources to do so.

I'm 17 years old and breasts are small is that normal?

Yes, it is normal for breast development to vary among individuals, and breasts can continue to grow and change until your mid-20s. If you have concerns about your breast development, it's always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider who can provide guidance and reassurance. Remember that everyone's body develops at its own pace and in its own unique way.

Do snowflakes continue to grow once they touch the ground?

No, snowflakes do not continue to grow once they touch the ground. Once they land, they can be further compacted by footsteps or other forces, but they do not continue to accumulate additional ice crystals.

What continue to grow through out their lives?

yes your bodies grow if you are a girl you grow up until you are 17 and if you are a boy you grow up until 22 and when you get old you might get short or you might stay your size.

Why will a sunflower grow if it was cut in half?

A sunflower plant can regrow if it's cut in half because the remaining part contains dormant buds that can activate and grow new shoots. As long as the roots are intact, the plant has the ability to regenerate itself and continue growing.

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You are 13 and have large breasts will they continue to grow?

Most girl's breasts continue to change and grow until their mid-twenties. If you have large breasts at such a young age, don't expect them to stop growing

How do you get yours breasts bigger if your 11 years old and a size A16?

Breasts continue to grow during puberty as hormones act on the tissues.

How do you know when your breasts aren't going to grow any more?

Well your breasts will grow for a while. When you gain weight, start birth control, or become pregnant your breasts will increase in size. But once you are pretty much done with puberty your breasts won't continue to grow on there own, buy only from another independent factor.

Am 17 can your breasts still grow?

Boobs are just tissues of fat they can continue to grow if you gain wait or if you haven't fully gone through puberty your boobs i think will continue to grow just send me a picture an ill examine :p

How LONG does the whale grow?

As long as it lives it will continue to grow. Just as you will. So there is no specific length.

Are 26AAA breasts too small for an 18yr old girl?

A cups are considered small. But taking note of your age, it's not that big a deal too. Fact is, your breasts will continue to grow.

Do waffles make your breasts grow?

No, waffles do not make your breasts grow.

How can you grow big breasts?

We can grow big breasts by doing sex with other boys because they suck our breasts.

How can you make your breasts grow bigger and bigger?

You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

Will taking prestrogen help your breasts grow?

No. Nothing can really make your breasts grow.

Which helps grow breasts more raw or cooked?

Foods do not help breasts grow.

What happens when your breasts?

It is normal for your breasts to get larger as you grow.