12 hours I think
It depends on what organ it is
Heart and lungs can last 4-6 hours
liver an pancreas can last 12 hours
Kidneys can last 24 hours
as for tissue:
eye tissue can be stored for up to seven days
and heart valve tissue can be stored for up to 10 years
Organs can survive outside the human body for several hours, depending on the type of organ and the condition in which it is stored. For example, a heart or lung can typically survive for 4-6 hours, while a kidney can last up to 24-36 hours if preserved properly. Time is critical for successful transplantation.
Yes, they can if they have a proper environment.
human immunodeficiency virus
The biggest organ in the human body is skin. The skin is also one of five organs that the body can't live without. The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body.
Pinworms do not survive for long periods outside the human body. They typically do not live for more than a few weeks in the environment. They require a warm, moist environment to survive and reproduce.
You'd have to die because you need your heart to live. You can live without a lung or a kidney but not a heart. Even if you could it is illegal to sell human organs. Most you can do i donate
I think the human body needs organs because it coud'nt live without it
Yes, they can if they have a proper environment.
They are as important as other organs as you can't live without them.
human immunodeficiency virus
HIV is not able to live outside the conditions of the human body.
The biggest organ in the human body is skin. The skin is also one of five organs that the body can't live without. The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body.
Cells are the basic structural and functional units of living organisms and can be found throughout the body in tissues and organs. They can live in various environments such as inside the body (in organs, tissues, and blood) or outside the body (in culture dishes for research purposes).
Pinworms do not survive for long periods outside the human body. They typically do not live for more than a few weeks in the environment. They require a warm, moist environment to survive and reproduce.
with out the organs we can not live
You'd have to die because you need your heart to live. You can live without a lung or a kidney but not a heart. Even if you could it is illegal to sell human organs. Most you can do i donate
You will not get HIV if toilet water splashes on you.
Hepatitis C can live for 1 week outside the body.