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somebody shagged somebody and blood came out but somebody didn't get pregnant because somebody was on somebodys periods

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Q: How long are days nights and years on Saturn?
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How long are nights on saturn?

well days are an average of 10 hours and 32 minute but I'm not sure how long nights are, hope it helped!

How long does it take Saturn to orbit the sun in days and years?

Saturn takes 29 years and 168 days to orbit the sun.

How long is one year on Saturn?

Saturn takes 10,832 Earth days (29.66 Earth years) to go around the Sun once. Since one day on Saturn is 10.656 hours long, it takes 24,396 Saturnian days for Saturn to go around the sun once.

How many years long does it for Saturn to orbit the sun on earth?

about 10,000 earth days

What planet has a year 687 earth days long?

Uranus which has an orbital period of 84.016846 years which is 30,687.153 days.

How long does it Saturn orbit the sun?

Saturn orbits the sun once every 29.5 Earth years.

How long does Saturn take to turn it once?

10,759 earth days or 29.46 earth years

How long does it take saturn to orbit the sun in earth years?

Saturn takes approximately 29.5 Earth years to orbit the sun once.

How long are its years and days on Saturn?

A day is 10 hours and 47 minutes and a year is 29.7 years (At least estimated).

How long Saturn it takes to revolve around the sun?

It takes Saturn 29.45 years (or 10759 days) to orbit, or revolve around, the Sun once. It takes about 29.5 Earth years for the planet Saturn to revolve once around the sun. 10,579 earth days

How long does it take Saturn to travel round the sun?

10,759 Earth days, or approximately 29.5 years.

How long is spring on Saturn?

Springtime on planet Saturn takes about 2690 earth days. If you were born when Saturn's Spring started, you would be about 7 1/3 years old when it ended.