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Q: How lipids use in medicine and industry?
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What are uses for nuclear changes?

Production of electricity in power plants, also use of radioisotopes in medicine and industry.

What do cells use to store lipids to use later?

Energy cells store in lipids to use them later.

What lipids do you use everyday?

Lipids rock go lakers

What are some of the ways you utilize nuclear power?

The main way is producing electricity, also radioisotopes are produced for use in medicine and industry

What is veterinary industry?

The veterinary industry is all professions and businesses that play into the practice of veterinary medicine.

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Applications of solutions in industry, laboratory, medicine depends on the pH; each application need a specific pH.

What are medical industry?

The medical industry refers to the industry that has everything to do with medicine. This includes doctors, drug companies, hospitals and medical suppliers.

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To keep medicine cold

How do cell use lipids?

It stores energy

Cells store what in lipids to use later?

Cells store energy in the form of lipids, primarily as triglycerides, within specialized structures called lipid droplets. These lipid droplets can be broken down through a process called lipolysis to release stored energy as needed by the cell.