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As you go higher in the atmosphere, the pressure of the air reduces. It's at its maximum near the ground, and zero in space. But under the Ideal Gas Law, in a gas, if all else remains equal, temperature and pressure are directly related. In other words, if pressure goes down, so does temperature. In meterology, this leads to the adiabatic lapse rate. To a first approximation, if you go up 100 metres, you will loose 0.638 degrees C in temperature. This holds true all the way up to the tropopause, which is boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere. The troposphere is where we live and the weather occurs.

So to cut a long story short, its colder up high.

But when air gets colder, it can hold less water. Clouds form and water falls out of the cloud. If its cold enough the water will fall as snow or ice.

The mountains that arc across the north of India are called the Himalaya, and contains the highest peaks on Earth, including Mt Everest, (8048 metres). At this height, the air will be 51 degrees colder than at sea level. If its 30 C in New Delhi, expect -20 on the top of Everest!

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1w ago

Snow-covered mountains can be found in India along the equator due to their high elevation. The Himalayas, which run through northern India, include some of the highest peaks in the world, such as Mount Everest. These high-altitude mountains experience cold temperatures that allow for snow accumulation, despite their proximity to the equator.

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