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i dont know i needed this answer questioned people and u right nothing? why oh why i need this to bring grade higher

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Colby Leffler

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2y ago
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11y ago

Fish live in water, bears prey on the fish and drink the water.

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6y ago

Water evaporates from the ground - and rises into the air to form clouds. The clouds eventually deposit raon back onto the ground - which evaporates... and the cycle continues.

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Q: How is water recycled in an ecosystem?
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Which component of a stable ecosystem can not be recycled?

Energy cannot be recycled in an ecosystem. While matter like nutrients and water can be recycled within ecosystems, energy flows through the system and is eventually lost as heat.

What would happen if the water cycle was not within the ecosystem?

The water would not have recycled back. It would have caused scarcity of water.

How are nutrients recycled in ecosystem?


Is sulfur recycled in an ecosystem?

Yes it is.

Can energy be recycled through an ecosystem explain why or why not?

no it can not be recyled because matter can not be recycled so it cant be either

Can nutrient reclyed?

Yes the chemical nutrients can be recycled in the ecosystem.

How does the flow of nutrients in an ecosystem differ from the flow of energy in an ecosystem?

Nutrients are cycled within an ecosystem, moving between living organisms and the environment, while energy flows through the ecosystem, entering as sunlight and being lost as heat during metabolic processes. Nutrients are recycled and can be reused, whereas energy is not recycled and must constantly be supplied to sustain the ecosystem.

Why is it important for carbon to be recycled in an ecosystem?

The carbon cycle is a closed system, and recycling carbon is the only way to replenish it for an ecosystem.

How can cars become less harmful to the ecosystem?

By having its oil properly recycled.

How are nutrients recycled in an ecosystem?

Nutrients in an ecosystem are recycled through processes like decomposition, where organic matter is broken down by bacteria and fungi into nutrient-rich soil. Plants then take up these nutrients from the soil, animals eat the plants, and when plants and animals die, their nutrients are returned to the soil through decomposition to be used again. This cycle continues, ensuring that nutrients are continually recycled within the ecosystem.

What would happen if there was energy added to an ecosystem or nutrients stop being recycled?


Is water lost or recycled when it evaporates or is steamed?

It is recycled.