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Plutonium is produced in operating nuclear reactors. Uranium is exposed to the neutron flux within the reactor and this is how we generally synthesize this heavy metal.

The fact that plutonium can be used for nuclear weapons places limits on those who wish to acquire plutonium. In addition to its use as material for weapons, it is radioactive and toxic. Plutonium is purchased from a few national suppliers, and there are extremely strict limits on who can buy it and how much a buyer can get.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

Uranium is typically obtained through mining, where ores containing uranium are extracted from the earth's crust. These ores are then processed to extract and concentrate the uranium for further use, such as in nuclear reactors or weapons. Mining methods vary depending on the location and type of uranium deposit.

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13y ago

How do we obtain Plutonium?

Plutonium is made from uranium and essentially is the byproduct in the nuclear reactors where an isotope of Uranium (U238) is bombarded neutron radiation. Through this process the Uranium (U238) then may gain a neutron becoming another isotope of Uranium (U239). This isotope which is unstable due to the unbalance in the neutron to proton ratio then goes through beta decay and forms neptunium (Np239). This (Np329) then once again goes through beta decay to form Plutonium (Pu239).

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13y ago

92U238 + 0n ------92239U------ β ----- 93239Np------- β -------- 23994Pu

In this equation, we see U-238 capture a neutron and become U-239. The U-239 will then undergo beta decay to become Np-239, which will beta decay to become Pu-239.

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10y ago

Uranium is extracted from the earth by mining; after this it is processed by chemical/metallurgical procedures.

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14y ago

Plutonium is obtained in the nuclear reactors by the intermediate of nuclear reactions:

238 92U + 1 0n ------→238 92U---- β----→239 93Np---- β----→239 94Pu

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14y ago

Plutonium is not extracted from another rock as ore. It is made in a laboratory using uranium.

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13y ago

The nuclear reaction is:

23892U + n-------23992U-------23993Np + e--------23994Pu + e

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10y ago

Wal-mart was fresh out the last time I was there, but I hear they get new shipments of radionuclides every Tuesday. Go early though.

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14y ago

By irradiation of uranium in nuclear reactors and separation from the burned nuclear fuel.

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Are uranium and plutonium easily obtained?

Uranium is not easily obtained; and the technology of plutonium is extremely difficult.

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Being a metal uranium can be obtained in any shape desired.

Who discovered uranium and what was the date?

Martin Heinrich Klaproth obtained the oxide of uranium - U3O8 in 1789; but the pure element was obtained in 1841 by Eugene-Melchior Peligot.

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Uranium as a pure metallic element was obtained after the alchemic period; alchemists don't know uranium.

What was polonium obtained from?

In the past polonium was obtained from the residues of uranium ores, after extraction of uranium.Now polonium is obtained only by nuclear reactions.

Where can yellowcake uranium be obtained by a private individual?

Legally impossible.

Which is the only state of India from where uranium is obtained?

This state is Jharkhand.

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The anagram is "uranium."

What year was uranium found in?

Uranium was discovered But as mineral) in 1789 by Klaproth.In 1841 Peligot obtained the pure metal.

Where discovered uranium?

Uranium was discovered by Martin Klaproth in 1789 (in the form of an oxide) in Germany. In 1841 Eugene Peligot in France obtained pure uranium metal.

Where is francium found and how is it obtained?

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Is plutonium limited?

Plutonium is obtained from uranium irradiated in nuclear reactors, consequently the production of plutonium depends on uranium resources.