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Depends what the two solutions are.....but the classic example is

hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

HCl + NaOH === NaCl + H2O

This is a neutralization reaction that produces a salt called sodium chloride (table salt) and water.

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Loma Schowalter

Lvl 13
2y ago
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3mo ago

When a weak base reacts with a strong acid, a salt is formed along with water. The resulting solution will be acidic. The weak base is unable to fully neutralize the strong acid, leading to an excess of H+ ions in the solution.

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15y ago


Generally in aqueous solutions, an acid is a negative ion with a hydrogen ion. The hydrogen ion, H+, is called a proton. Strong acids donate lots of these protons to the aqueous (water) solution.
Often a base has a hydroxide ion, OH-, that can react with the hydrogen ion to make water. A strong base donates lots of hydroxide ions.
Acids have negative ions with a positive hydrogen ion and bases are a positive ion with a negative hydroxide ion. HA + MOH --> MA + H2O
HA is the acid - hydrogen ion with an anion (anion is the term for a negative ion)
MOH is the base - hydroxide with a metal cation (cation is the term for a positive ion)
MA is the salt - an anion and a cation (that's almost the chemistry definition for a salt)

The anion and the cation really don't do anything so chemists call them spectator ions. They are put together when the reaction is written but that's just to keep track of them.
The complete reaction would look like this.
H+(aq) + A-(aq) + M+(aq) + OH-(aq) --> H2O(l) + M+(aq) + A-(aq)
That extra anion and cation haven't changed. They are called spectator ions.

But the net ionic reation is:
H+(aq) + OH-(aq) --> H2O(l)

The mechanism for a base with out a hydroxide ion is slightly different but the net ionic reaction stays the same.

Strong acids: sulfuric, hydrochloric or nitric acids
H2SO4; HCl; HNO 3
Strong bases: sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide

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12y ago

As the anion of the salt undergoes hydrolysis, the resultant solution becomes weakly acidic.

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13y ago

a salt

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Q: How is the reaction of weak base and strong acid?
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What would happen if you mix a strong base and a weak acid?

When mixing a strong base with a weak acid, the strong base will completely neutralize the weak acid, resulting in the formation of water and a salt. The pH of the solution will be higher than 7 due to the remaining excess of hydroxide ions from the base.

Discussion for acid-base titration experiment?

In an acid-base titration experiment, a solution of known concentration (the titrant) is slowly added to a solution of unknown concentration until the reaction is complete. This allows for the determination of the unknown concentration by measuring the volume of titrant needed to reach the equivalence point. The pH at the equivalence point can indicate the nature of the reaction (e.g., strong acid-strong base, weak acid-strong base) and can be used to calculate the pKa of the weak acid or base involved.

Are all salts neutral in nature?

Salt can be neutral, acidic, or basic. Salts are formed through the reaction of an acid and a base. If the reaction involves a strong acid and a strong base, the resulting salt is neutral (like NaCl table salt). A weak acid and a strong base result in a basic salt, and a strong acid and a weak base form an acid salt.

Is Dimethylamine strong acid?

Dimethylamine is actually a weak base, not a strong acid. It is a derivative of ammonia and can accept protons in solution, making it a base.

Is potassium ethanoate a base?

Potassium ethanoate is not a base. It is a salt formed by the reaction between potassium hydroxide (a strong base) and acetic acid (a weak acid). Potassium ethanoate is actually a weak electrolyte that dissociates in water to produce potassium ions and ethanoate ions.

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Is the mixing of a weak acid with a strong base an endothermic or exothermic reaction?

The mixing of a weak acid with a strong base is generally exothermic. The reaction generates heat as the acid and base neutralize each other.

Is BR- a strong acid weak acid strong base or weak base?

BR- is a weak base since it is the conjugate base of a weak acid. It can accept protons in a reaction, making it a base.

Is ephedrine sulfate a salt of weak base and strong acid?

Yes, ephedrine sulfate is a salt formed by the reaction between the weak base ephedrine and the strong acid sulfuric acid. This results in a salt that has properties of both an acid and a base.

Is the conjugate of a strong base is a weak acid?

No, the conjugate of a strong base is a weak acid. The conjugate base of a strong acid is weak, while the conjugate acid of a strong base is weak.

How do you determine if a conjugate acid or base will be strong or weak?

A conjugate acid or base is typically strong if its parent compound is weak. For example, if an acid is strong (e.g., HCl), its conjugate base (Cl-) will be weak. Conversely, if an acid is weak (e.g., CH3COOH), its conjugate base (CH3COO-) will be strong. This relationship is based on the relative stability of the species after donating or accepting a proton.

A titration of an acid and base to the equivalence point results in a noticeably acidic solution It is likely this titration involves?

a weak acid and strong base. At the equivalence point of a titration between a weak acid and a strong base, the resulting solution will have a pH greater than 7, indicating a basic solution. For the solution to be noticeably acidic at the equivalence point, it would suggest an excess of the weak acid after the reaction, which means that the acid is likely weak and not completely neutralized by the strong base.

Is NH4NO3 a strong acid and a weak base?

NH4NO3 is a salt that is formed from a strong acid (HNO3) and a weak base (NH4OH). Therefore, NH4NO3 would not be considered a strong acid or a weak base.

Explain how the relationship between the strengths of an acid and its conjugate base and of a base and its conjugated acid?

When an acid is strong, its conjugate base will be weak, and vice versa. Similarly, when a base is strong, its conjugate acid will be weak, and when a base is weak, its conjugate acid will be strong. This relationship is known as the principle of conjugate pairs in acid-base reactions.

Is potassium acetate a weak acid?

No, potassium acetate is a salt formed by the reaction of a strong base (potassium hydroxide) with a weak acid (acetic acid). Potassium acetate is neutral and does not act as an acid in aqueous solutions.

Will the solution at the end point of an acidbase titration be acidic neutral or alkaline if it is a weak acid and strong base?

The solution at the endpoint of an acid-base titration involving a weak acid and a strong base will be alkaline. This is because the weak acid will have been neutralized by the strong base, resulting in excess hydroxide ions in the solution causing it to be alkaline.

Is C2H5NH2 a strong acid?

No, C2H5NH2 (ethylamine) is not a strong acid. It is a weak base because it accepts a proton (H+) to form its conjugate acid, ethylammonium ion (C2H5NH3+), in a reversible reaction.

Is C2H3O2 an strong or weak acid or base?

CH3COOH is a acid. It is a weak acid.