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Q: How is the population measured and how often is it measured?
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How often is the population measured to establish the number of representatives for each state?

Every 10 years, by the US Census

What is often measured by glassware with gradation?

Volume is often measured by glassware with gradations.

Population of Iran in billion dollars?

Population is not measured in dollars.

What is a sentence for population density?

Population density refers to the number of people living in a specific area, often measured per square mile or square kilometer.

How is poison measured?

Poison is typically measured in terms of its toxicity, which is often described using units such as LD50 (lethal dose for 50% of the population) or LC50 (lethal concentration for 50% of a population). These measurements help determine the lethal dosage or concentration of a substance that can cause harm or death to living organisms.

Is volume measured in gal?

it can be but its more often measured in liters

When speaking about a population what is meant by the term fertility?

Fertility refers to the ability of individuals within a population to produce offspring. It is often measured by birth rates, which indicate the number of live births per 1,000 individuals in a population within a given time frame.

The mass of iron in tablets is often measured in what units?

The mass of iron in tablets is often measured in milligrams (mg) or micrograms (mcg).

What should mass be measured with?

mass is most often measured in kg in science

What is popular density?

Popular density refers to the concentration of people or population in a specific area. It is typically measured as the number of individuals per unit area, such as per square mile or square kilometer. Higher population densities often lead to increased levels of social interactions, economic activities, and infrastructure development in a given area.

How are nutrients measured?

Most often, in grams.

How is the US population measured?

Enumeration of people.