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The order in the first attempt in the periodic table was in the increasing order of atomic weights of atoms. This gave 2 different places for isotopes of the same element with same properties and the same place for isobars with different properties. This was so because chemical properties of an element depends on its number of electrons which is basically given by the atomic number and not atomic weight. Again the lanthanides and actinides had different places inspite of having similar properties due to same atomic number.

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The order of elements in the Periodic Table is based on their atomic number. The first attempt, by Dmitri Mendeleev, was based on arranging elements by increasing Atomic Mass. This created inconsistencies in the arrangement that were later corrected when the modern periodic table was developed.

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What was the first attempt of listing elements on the periodic table?

The first attempt at listing elements on the periodic table was made by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869. He arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic weight and grouped elements with similar properties together. Mendeleev's periodic table laid the foundation for the modern periodic table used today.

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No, the first periodic table of elements was created by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869. Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass and noticed a periodic pattern in their properties, which led to the development of the modern periodic table.

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In the first Periodic Table by Mendeleev, he arranged the elements in the increasing order of their atomic masses and repeating properties.

He prepared the first periodic table of elements arranged in the order of atomic masses?

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

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