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Fusion power is the power generated by nuclear fusion reactions. In this kind of reaction, two light atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus and in doing so, release a large amount of energy. In a more general sense, the term can also refer to the production of net usable power from a fusion source, similar to the usage of the term "steam power." Most design studies for fusion power plants involve using the fusion reactions to create heat, which is then used to operate a steam turbine, which drives generators to produce electricity. Except for the use of a thermonuclear heat source, this is similar to most coal, oil, and gas-fired power stations as well as fission-driven nuclear power stations.

As of July 2010[update], the largest experiment was the Joint European Torus (JET). In 1997, JET produced a peak of 16.1 megawatts (21,600 hp) of fusion power (65% of input power), with fusion power of over 10 MW (13,000 hp) sustained for over 0.5 sec. In June 2005, the construction of the experimental reactor ITER, designed to produce several times more fusion power than the power put into the plasma over many minutes, was announced. Project partners were preparing the site in 2008. The production of net electrical power from fusion is planned for DEMO, the next generation experiment after ITER. Additionally, the High Power laser Energy Research facility (HiPER) is undergoing preliminary design for possible construction in the European Union starting around 2010.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

Nuclear fission is primarily used today in nuclear power plants to generate electricity. The process involves splitting atoms to release energy, which is then used to heat water and produce steam that drives turbines to generate electricity. Additionally, nuclear fission is also used in some research applications and in the production of medical isotopes for medical imaging and treatments.

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15y ago

Mostly only in test and prototype nuclear fusion reactors. In a way, nuclear fusion is being used all over the earth. All of the energy we receive from the sun (indeed all stars) is created from nuclear fusion. It's created from mass and gravity. When a large enough mass forms within a certain radius in space the 'pressure' (and resultant heat energy) from gravity 'fuses' smaller nuclei togther. The most common being hydrogen fused into helium. When the hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form helium it loses some of its mass and the mass it loses converts directly into energy. The amount of energy it converts to is..(E=MC2) or the mass lost times the speed of light times the speed of light. (a HUGE amount)

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11y ago

Nuclear fission is the splitting of heavy nuclei (as U-235) when bombarded by neutrons. Nuclear fission results in loss of mass (or mass defect) that transforms into energy according to formula E = mc2 (c is light velocity). The resulting energy manifests itself as heat energy that could be extracted and made use of as process heat, kinetic energy, and/or electricity. Nuclear fission reactors are also used for medical purposes and for production of radioactive isotopes for medical, industrial, agricultural, and research purposes.

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13y ago

We have currently only put nuclear fusion into two rather destructive purposes.

The first of course being Atomic Nuclear weapons, which utilize unbalanced atoms to force massive energy displacements causing heat and a very large explosion.

The second slightly better but still bad for everything around it. Nuclear Power Plants use the same force as Atomic Nuclear Weapons in small quantities to create electricity.

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11y ago

Nuclear fission is used today in nuclear power plants and is involved in some scientific research. Nuclear bombs use fission (though some use fusion as well), though only a couple countries are actually developing such weapons.

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15y ago

It is not used anywhere on earth. It occurs naturally in the stars including our sun

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10y ago

I found the website K1 Project very helpful. They had several articles underneath their Learn/Energy tab which should answer any questions about nuclear fusion.

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12y ago

Reactors & bombs.

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12y ago

used to make power

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Which one of these two process is still used today Nuclear Fission or Fusion?

Nuclear fission is the process commonly used in nuclear power plants today, while nuclear fusion is still being researched and developed as a potential future energy source.

Where has nuclear fission been used?

Nuclear fission has been used in nuclear bombs and is currently being used in every nuclear power plant on the earth.

What element is used in nuclear fission and is radioactive but is not uranium?

We can use plutonium in nuclear fission devices.

Where is fission occurring today?

In every nuclear reactor that is operating

Why nuclear fission better?

Nuclear fission is now commercially available in nuclear fission reactors since the fifties of last century. Nuclear Fusion is still under R&D. Nuclear fission reactors are clean energy source.

Is nuclear fission only used to create atomic bombs?

No, nuclear fission operates all nuclear reactors. If they are power plant reactors it is used to generate electricity.

Can nuclear fission be used anywhere in the world?

yes on condition of the availability of the necessary nuclear fission device (nuclear reactors or critical assemblies).

Where do you get nuclear fission?

You get nuclear fission in:nuclear fission reactorsatomic fission bombs

What type of nuclear reaction are used in nuclear power plants?


What particle is used to start nuclear fission?

In actuality, a spontaneous fission event begins a nuclear chain reaction. It kick starts a nuclear chain reaction. And a neutron from that fission will initiate another fission to continue and rev up that nuclear chain reaction.

What can nuclear fission be used for?

Producing electricity

Fission is used in the production of?

nuclear energy