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The carbon cycle takes CO2 from the atmosphere in various ways, and then releases it back into the atmosphere. This is a balanced process, so there is always the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. This supports the natural greenhouse effect which has kept the planet warm for millions of years.

Human activity (deforestation and the discovery and burning of fossil fuels) is upsetting the natural balance. We cut down trees so more CO2 is left in the air. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon emissions that have been safely hidden underground for millions of years, so they are an extra burden. So the natural balance of the carbon cycle is upset, and we have global warming.

A:Through industry and transportation we release excess CO2 into the atmosphere, too much for vegetation to soak up so it stays in the atmosphere, making it thicker.
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Zackery Schumm

Lvl 13
1y ago
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13y ago

Nature's Carbon Cycle works like this. Carbon moves in and out the air, and the oceans, and the land, and in and out of animals, both when we breathe and when we die.

If a diagram were drawn showing the different processes that move carbon from one form to another, its main processes would be

  • photosynthesis,
  • respiration,
  • decomposition,
  • natural weathering of rocks, and
  • the combustion of fossil fuels.

Human activity has interfered with it with the last item, the combustion of fossil fuels. Burning these fuels releases carbon that was hidden away under the earth 300 million years ago in the Permian Period, when the vegetation that turned into oil and coal was covered up with swamps. This extra carbon dioxide is proving too much for the carbon cycle to handle. It can't all be moved out of the atmosphere, so it is causing the warming of the earth.

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10y ago

Carbon cycle is the periodic change in the use of carbon moving through the land, oceans and atmosphere. Human beings impact the carbon cycle by burning fossil fuels.

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Lastin Jullyn

Lvl 2
2y ago

This is a balanced process, so there is always the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. This supports the natural greenhouse effect which has kept the planet warm for millions of years.

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Q: How is the human activity upsetting the natural balance of the carbon cycle?
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How does the amount of carbon in the atmosphere stay the same?

The amount of carbon in the atmosphere stays relatively constant through a balance of carbon sources and sinks. Natural processes, like photosynthesis and respiration, regulate the levels of carbon dioxide. However, human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, have disrupted this balance by releasing excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

What would happen if all the decompose-rs are removed the carbon cycle?

In the absence of decomposers from carbon cycle heaps of organic matter will accumulate. This will ultimately disturb the natural balance.

At what point does human activity affect the natural cabon cycle?

Human activity affects the natural carbon cycle mainly through the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and land-use changes. These activities release excessive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, leading to an imbalance in the carbon cycle and contributing to global warming.

Why did the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere stay constant for thousands of years?

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere stayed constant for thousands of years due to a balance between natural processes that release and absorb CO2, such as photosynthesis by plants and carbon storage in the oceans. Human activities have disrupted this balance by releasing excess CO2 through activities like burning fossil fuels.

What puts the most carbon dioxide into the atmosphere--respiration or fuel burning?

Burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in 2010 put over 10 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Respiration (breathing) depends on activity. A person sleeping emits about 0.3 cubic metres an hour, however, with strenuous activity this rises to between 7 and 8 cm/h.The difference between them, of course, is that carbon dioxide from respiration is part of the natural carbon cycle, and is removed regularly from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide from fuel burning is additional carbon dioxide that has been underground for millions of years, so releasing it now is causing global warming and climate change.

Related questions

What process uses fossil fuels and is upsetting the balance of CO2 in the atmosphere?

The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas, releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change. This process disrupts the natural balance of CO2 levels in the atmosphere, leading to a range of environmental impacts.

Is it true that the natural carbon balance is largely maintained by the processes of photosynthesis and respiration?


How does the amount of carbon in the atmosphere stay the same?

The amount of carbon in the atmosphere stays relatively constant through a balance of carbon sources and sinks. Natural processes, like photosynthesis and respiration, regulate the levels of carbon dioxide. However, human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, have disrupted this balance by releasing excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

What would happen if all the decompose-rs are removed the carbon cycle?

In the absence of decomposers from carbon cycle heaps of organic matter will accumulate. This will ultimately disturb the natural balance.

How might the increase in the burning of fossil fuels affect the carbon cycle?

Burning fossil fuels releases stored carbon into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. This can contribute to the increase of CO2 levels in the atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. This disrupts the natural balance of the carbon cycle by releasing more carbon than natural systems can absorb.

How does the burning of fossil fuels affect the carbon cycle?

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, increasing the concentration of this greenhouse gas. This excess carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change. It disrupts the natural balance of the carbon cycle by adding more carbon to the atmosphere than can be absorbed by natural processes.

At what point does human activity affect the natural cabon cycle?

Human activity affects the natural carbon cycle mainly through the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and land-use changes. These activities release excessive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, leading to an imbalance in the carbon cycle and contributing to global warming.

How can the environment balance itself against global warming?

The environment can balance itself against global warming through natural processes such as carbon sequestration by forests and oceans, regulation of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations through natural feedback mechanisms, and increased albedo effect due to ice and snow reflecting sunlight. However, these processes may be overwhelmed by human-driven activities that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, leading to accelerated global warming. Efforts to mitigate global warming include reducing carbon emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and protecting natural ecosystems that help regulate the climate.

Does human activity have little or no impact on cycles?

No.Human activity (burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity) is having a serious effect on the carbon cycle, by adding extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.Human activity (pollution, overuse) is having a serious effect on the water cycle and the amount of fresh water available to our communities.

What are non examples of the carbon cycle?

The non-examples of the carbon cycle are animals and energy.

What are the carbon sinks?

Carbon sinks are natural or artificial reservoirs that absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate climate change. Examples of carbon sinks include forests, oceans, and soil. By capturing carbon dioxide, these sinks play a crucial role in helping to balance the carbon cycle and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

What can be done to help keep the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen?

To help keep the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen, planting trees and other vegetation can help absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Additionally, reducing carbon emissions from industrial activities and transportation can help prevent an excess build-up of carbon dioxide. Lastly, promoting sustainable practices that preserve natural habitats and ecosystems can help maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.