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Q: How is the helium on the moon different from the helium found on earth?
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What does the earth's Moon's atmosphere consist of?

The Earth's Moon has an extremely thin atmosphere known as an exosphere. It is composed mostly of helium, neon, and hydrogen. The low gravity and lack of a magnetic field on the Moon allow its atmosphere to be easily swept away by the solar wind.

What elements do the earth sun and moon have in common?

All elements that occur in nature occur on Earth, the Sun, and the Moon - but the proportions are different. The main difference is that the Sun is made up mainly of hydrogen and helium; both are relatively scarce on Earth and on the Moon.

How are moon rocks similar to and different rocks on earth?

Minerals that make up moon rocks are the same minerals that are found on Earth. Some moon rocks have minerals that combine to form kinds of rocks that are not found on Earth. BlueStar(:

Where is the moon found?

The moon can be found in space. Moons will orbit around planets that have moons. Earth has one moon that gives four different phases each month.

Is Water is found on both the earth and the moon?

Yes. Water can be found on earth and moon!

Why is landing on the moon different from landing on the earth?

Landing on the moon is different from landing on Earth mainly because the moon has lower gravity, no atmosphere, and a different surface composition. These factors require specialized technology and different landing procedures to safely land on the moon compared to landing on Earth. Additionally, the lack of atmosphere on the moon means there is no air resistance to help slow down spacecraft during descent, which further complicates the landing process.

What features can be found on the earth but not on the moon?

Earth has oceans the moon doesn,t the earth has volcanoes the moon does not the earth has a core the earth does not

What things are found on the moon and are not found on the Earth?

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WHAT the different between the moon and earth?

Earth can sustain life. The Moon can not.

What are selenium helium and tellurium named after?

Selenium is named after the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. Helium is named after the Greek god of the sun, Helios. Tellurium is named after the Latin word for earth, "tellus."

How is the Moon and Earth different from the Earth?

The moon is much more smaller than the Earth.

How is the Moon's rotation different from Earth's?

The Moon is tidally locked to Earth, meaning it rotates on its axis at the same rate it orbits Earth, resulting in the same side always facing us. In contrast, Earth rotates at a faster rate and does not exhibit tidal locking with the Moon.