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the moon has a different iron level than the earth because the moon was not formed from the earth .

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The Moon is primarily composed of rock and metal, lacking Earth's liquid outer core and thick atmosphere. It has a higher abundance of certain elements like iron and aluminum, while lacking volatile elements like water and carbon dioxide found on Earth. Additionally, the Moon lacks geological activity, such as plate tectonics and volcanism, which are essential processes shaping Earth's composition.

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Q: How is the composition of the moon different from Earth's composition?
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Which out of the moon or the sun is more attracted to the earths ocean?

The moon has a greater effect than the sun on the earths oceans.

What is the composition for all of the earths layers?

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What is the atmospheric composition of the moon?

The Moon has no atmosphere to speak of.

What is the composition of Earths center?

Mainly iron and nickel.

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The shadow of the Earth on the moon's surface is the reason that it takes different phases. When the Earth completely occludes the moon, it is a new moon, and when there is no shadow, it is a full moon.

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How many earths fit across the moon?

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