

How is soccer like a cell?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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3w ago

Soccer and cells both have specific structures and functions that work together to achieve a common goal. In soccer, individual players have specific roles that contribute to the team's success just like organelles have specific functions within a cell. Both soccer teams and cells require coordination and communication to operate effectively.

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13y ago

The (organelle) is similar to the (whatever you want to compare it to) because the (what the organelle in the plant cell does), just as the (what your comparing does).

Ex:The cell wall is similar to the house walls because the cell wall protects the cells interior from the outside environment, just as the house walls protect the house from the environment.

Ex:The nucleus is similar to the coach of the team because the nucleus is the control center of the cell, just as the coach controls the team.

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15y ago

In a plant cell, there are different organelles doing different things. On a football team, different players do different things.

For example, the DNA in the cell is located in the nucleolus, and it gives direction to the other organelles. The coach on a football team is located on the sidelines, and he gives direction to the players.

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14y ago

Well, a cheer squad works together and every single person on a cheer squad may have different talents in Cheerleading that they are best at. They all use those talents to make the team work properly and they all contribute in their own way. (Ex. one girl may be flexible while another may be strong) .Also, they have a captain that is the leader or center of a squad that leads them and helps everything go smoothly. Just like In a cell every part works differently but all for a reason and it all together makes the cell work. And the nucleus of a cell is like the captain that keeps everyhting and evryone or (cellpart) in line,

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11y ago

The Entrance is the cell membrane.

-it lets people in and out of the cell

The air is the cytoplasm

-it surround the soccer field

The fans are like the mitochondria

-it gives the players energy for the game

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13y ago

A football team relates to a cell because all the cell parts (organelles) have their own roles and together they "play" as a "team." If one player (or organelle) gets off track- it can affect the whole cell or team.

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13y ago

cell wall- the outside of the field or the outside of the ball

membrane- goalie boxes

mitochondria- the players on the field

nucleus- the ref

i had to do a project like this for my science class a couple of months ago, but I did an airplane

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12y ago

its like a cell beacuse thy all try to work together and im only 9 and i know it

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14y ago

well, their are scientific facts so i am guessing, it is an athlete to a cell

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